Baby!Itay Bros X Mama!Reader X Papa!Spain

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On a sunny day in Italy, a stray (f/c) she-cat waddles around the streets, searching for food for herself and her unborn kittens that were protected inside of her womb for safety. She sniffs the ground and looks up, her tail swishes behind her as her ear twitched at the sound of tiny feet scurry across the concrete ground. She smirks as she gets into her hunting crouch, eyeing her prey. She licks her furry lips as she quietly and sneakily made her way towards a mouse who didn't sense her from behind. She soon pounced onto the mouse, catching it with her paw and looked around with the mouse in her jaws, she didn't want to be on the streets too long. She didn't want to get attention from the stray toms and other she-cats like herself especially since she is pregnant with kittens. Her mate, a house cat, left her right after they were done mating with each other so she was left with kittens were created by him buuut now she has to take care of them herself.

She trots away with the mouse dangling from her mouth, she sees her little home under some bushes. It was just a forgotten box with some old clothing and blankets she found that could fit in the box easily. She sighs softly and walked inside, making herself a little nest and started eating her food. Once she was finished, she gave herself a nice bath. Licking her paws, chest and stomach, obviously loving the feeling of her kittens thumping against her stomach walls as if telling her that they were almost ready to join her in the new world. She smiled to herself and yawned, she curled up then slowly falls asleep, dreaming of what her adorable little kittens would look like.

A week later, the same she-cat found herself wandering around a neighbourhood, she sighs and sat down to lick her paw. She didn't noticed that a happy go lucky tom walking her way, she cleans her paw as a voice caught her attention. "Hola Chica! I never seen you around here..." She turns her head to see a caramel colored tom looking at her with green eyes. "Are you new around here?" He asked looking at her with those green eyes that were staring into her (e/c) ones. She flatten her ears and looked at the ground "N-No.... W-Why do you want to know!" She asked getting stubborn but the tom didn't flinch just ignored the threat "I just wanted to ask Chica. I see your baring some kittens... Congratulations!" His accent was different than the ones you heard around the streets. You gave a small smile when he mentioned your kittens but quickly frowned "Thank you. Now I should be going... It was nice to meet" You looked at him and he smiles "Spaincat, Chica! I'll see you later!" He said cheerfully as you nodded and walked away. Maybe he wasn't so bad....maybe.


Ever since you and Spaincat first met, you started meeting each other more often. Spaincat started being protective over you and your unborn kittens that were soon to arrive soon. You noticed it when you two were strolling around and a dog came over, trying to sniff you but Spaincat jumped in front of you and hissed at the dog making it yelp and walk away quickly. Now you were laying with Spaincat at underneath the shade of a big tree with your head on his paws as he licks your head affectionately. You purred and relaxed but your ears perked when you heard a voice "Spaincat! Where are you, mi amigo!" You picked your head up and turned your head to see a man with brown hair, tan skin and green eyes looking around. The man sees your gaze and comes over making you hide between Spaincat who sat up. "Ah! Spaincat, there you are!" He started and noticed you "I see you found yourself a Chica eh? She's a pretty one at that too." He held out his hand for you to sniff which you did. You gave him a small lick and he chuckled before gasping when seeing your large belly "Spaincat! Did you go off and did the you know what to this poor girl?!" You laughed as Spaincat and the man argue but the man didn't understand Spaincat so that made it funnier. You felt yourself being picked up and in the air making you look up to see the man carrying you "Come now, Chica. You need to rest, you look like you are about to pop!" He chuckled softly and pets you. You could get use to this. Which you did.

[An Hour Later]

Let's just say, the man was right. You were set down in a cat bed, with Spaincat behind you and two tiny kittens were rolling around against your stomach. You did pop! You had two beautiful kittens that you named Itakit and Romakit. Romakit was a darker tabby than his younger brother Itakit who was lighter but you didn't care. They were yours. Well yours and Spaincats now. You smiled at your babies and started to bathe them, Itaki seemed to enjoy his little bath while little Romakit would wriggle away and go back to suck on your milk. You flattened one ear and sighed "He definitely got your stubbornness." Spaincat chuckled and smiled at little Roma's action. You looked at him with flatten ears and narrowed eyes "What does that supposed to mean?!" He just laughed and licked your nose making you blush and look away. You laid you head down and watched your two kittens nurse on your milk, you sighed again and closed your eyes wanting to sleep. You felt Spaincat gave a reassuring lick on your head "Sleep, mi amor." You smiled and falls asleep. Happy that you met Spaincat...

Hey I was thinking of doing a Deertalia X reader, if you don't know what I'm talking about is because I saw this pic with the Nordics with deer antlers. So I got to thinking. Instead of having them as a deer, I'll just have them as a deertaur. Half human and half deer so yeah. That's been in my head for a while and I was thinking the same for the Horsetalia X Reader one too.

 That's been in my head for a while and I was thinking the same for the Horsetalia X Reader one too

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