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Requested by BlackFlake159!
This is like the DenNor one!!
It's another normal day, blue skies mixed with white clouds and a good breeze was blowing. A big house was sitting in the country of England, it was beautiful and larger for someone as small as you are. You were just a small little kitten that lives in the house with your Mama and Papa. You had (long/short) (h/c) fur that matches with your big shiny (e/c) eyes, you Mama was Iggycat and your Papa was Francecat. You were playing with a toy that looks like a rose that your Papa's person gave you, Iggycat was laying on the couch with Francecat watching over you.

You giggled as you played with the toy rose until something red comes in front of you making you look up and saw a red dot. You smirked and wriggled your butt as you got into a hunter crouch before pouncing on the red dot, being a curious kitten you are you looked under your paws to see no red dot making you pout. You looked around and saw the red dot on the wall making you dash over to the wall "Love, please be careful!" Iggycat said and you nodded "Okay Mama!" You answered before patting the red dot but it disappears then reappear on the floor and goes round and round. Your eyes widen and you started to follow the red dot, Iggycat watches you "She's/He's going to get hurt from that bloody thing!" He said as motherly instincts comes in.

Francecat rolls his eyes "She's/He's just having fun... Leave her be" he said and Iggycat looked at him with narrowed eyebrows "She's/He's going to get hurt if she/he keeps following that dot!" Iggycat exclaimed before getting up and jumped off the couch. He went over to you who had your back to him and was patting the wall trying to get the dot, Iggycat picked you up by your scruff making you yelp "Mamaaaa... You Ruined My Fun!!" You whined as he carried you over back to the couch and jumped back on the couch. He laid back down and let you go "Sorry Love... But you could've got hurt if you played with that dot more" he said and started to give you a bath making you mewl "Noooo..... You underestimated a kitty officer!!" You yelled and Iggycat shushed you before continuing your bath.

Francecat watched you as you tried to wriggled out of Iggycat's hold, he stills remembers when you were born and how hard it was to get away from a pregnant Iggycat but it was worth it. "Papa!! Help Me!!" You said looking at Francecat and he chuckled "Now now.... Listen to your mother" he said and you pouted before Iggycat licked your cheek making you giggle and lick his nose making him chuckle. Once he was finished giving you a bath, you jumped of the couch and played with your toy rose. Iggycat sighed "She's/He's growing up already.... She's/He's already a few months old now" Iggycat muttered looking at you in sadness. Francecat looks at him and smiled "Well... Don't you remember when you found out when your were carrying her/him?" He asked and Iggycat nodded.

Iggycat was laying in his cat on his side, he's been acting weird and weirder than usual. He's been eating a lot than usual and gain some weight, he always wanted to be alone more then ever. His stomach was getting bigger by each week or two, Francecat happened to be visiting with his person so he went to find Iggycat who was in his personal room. Francecat walked to the door and peeked in to see Iggycat lying in his bed in the dark room "Angleterre{1}? Are you in here?" he asked and he got a groan in response making him go inside the dark room.

Francecat approaches Iggycat who was shifting around trying to get comfortable but had no luck "Are you okay?" He asked and Iggycat grumbled something that Francecat couldn't understand "What was that?" He grumbled it again but a little louder. Francecat sighed and asked again, Iggycat opened his eyes and glared at Francecat "You Bloody Frog?! I'm Sick Bloody Git?!" He shouted making Francecat jump. Iggycat sat up slowly and kept glaring at Francecat "I'm Sick A-and it's..... It's y-your....f-fault!!" Iggycat started to cry and Francecat looked at him strangely before seeing Iggycat's bulging stomach. Francecat stared at it before starting to laugh and Iggycat looks at him "Y-your not sick!!! Angleterre, your pregnant!!"

A thud came and it seem Iggycat had fainted back on his cat bed and Francecat kept laughing hard.

Iggycat sighed and watched you play "It seems like yesterday she/he was born" he said before you yawned and stopped playing. You went over to the couch and tried to jump up but your cute little legs couldn't make the jump "Mama! Mama!" You whimpered and Iggycat leaned over the end and grabbed you by your scruff and picked you up. He laid you down next to him and licked your head making you purr and snuggled against his stomach.

You yawned again and fell asleep "I loved Mama..... Je T'aime Papa {2}" you said quietly before going into your dreamland with Flying (f/c) bunny. Iggycat and Francecat smiled "Love you too, Love" "Vous aime trop ma petite fille/garçon{3}" they said before snuggling with you.

{1}Angleterre= England
{2} Je t'aime Papa= I love you Papa
{3}Vous aime trop ma petite fille/garçon= Love you too my little girl/boy

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