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Requested by newzealand33 and 2pHetalia-Girl!

It was a wonderful warm day, birds chirping and the clouds moving in their slow pace. But there was a small mew coming from a box near a neighborhood, you must be wondering what lies in the box? Well you are small kitten the runt of the litter is laying inside, waiting for your mother to come and feed you but she wasn't around. You were only a few weeks old and barely could walk and see, your mews were small and squeaky. You tried and tried to called your mother but the only response you got was "Hey now little dude/dudette......your hero is here" and you calmed down a bit. You felt yourself being picked up and flying through the air.

I was too busy with finding a store that sells hamburgers but I gave up!!! Man, I'm so so hungry I can eat my person but let's not get too crazy here. I was walking down a sidewalk, heading back home until I felt my ear twitch when I heard a small mew. I stopped and looked around before I heard it again 'Sounds like a kitten in distress!! Don't worry!!! The Hero Is On His Way!!' I thought running where the mews were coming from.

The mews were getting louder and louder as I came closer to the area, I stopped running and looked and noticed a box making me tilt my head before I carefully went over there. The mews seem to get louder when I approach the box and I slowly looked in and my expression soften and my eyes held pity for what was in front of me. It was a small (h/c) kitten all curled up in the corner of the box, mewing for her/his mother making me look around to see no one. I sighed and leaned in the box "Hey now little dude/dudette...... Your hero is here" I said softly and I picked up the kitten and trotted back where the sidewalk is. I ran down the sidewalk and saw my home down the street, the kitten in my mouth was mewing quietly but not as much as before.

Once I arrived home, I walked through the open window and jumped on the couch where Iggy was sleeping on. He shot up and glare at me but it disappeared when he saw the kitten in my mouth "Americat! Why The Bloody Hell Do You Have A Kitten In Your Mouth?!" He shouted as I jumped down off the couch and walked towards my cat bed. I put the kitten down and looked back at Iggy "I was being the hero" I said and I guess Iggy was shocked how I acted and fainted off the couch, I stared at Iggy, who was laying flat out on the floor. I tilted my head and shrugged then I turned my gaze to the kitten who was curled up in my bed and asleep, I walked into my bed and curled up around the kitten for warmth and laid my head down in between my paws. I looked at the kitten snuggled against my stomach and smiled 'I guess I am a real hero!' I thought before falling asleep.


It's been about 3 months since Americat taking the lead as a hero and saved you from being alone in a box for all your life, you were a lively kitten who always played around. Americat had changed a lot when you came into his life, he stopped being loud for the most part and he always took everything seriously for your sake. You were just watching with Chinacat as Iggycat and Francecat were arguing and Americat was just laughing at them, they were suppose to have a Allies Meeting but nope, they went the opposite direction. You also had a cowlick kinda like Americat's person and had a collar of red, white and blue with a tag that had 'The Heroes Kid Has Arrived' and had your name on the back along with a phone number. You normally stayed with Chinacat since he knows how to take care of kittens, you were getting bored so you stood up and went over to Americat "Daddy" you whined rubbing your head on his leg making him look down at you.

"What do you need, (Y/n)?" He asked and you looked up at him "I'm bored......" You groaned and dramatically fell on the ground and played dead. You opened an eye and Americat laughed "Hahahaha! Your too cute!" He said nuzzling your cheek making you giggle, you pawed Americat's face playfully making him chuckle "Iggy!! Where's Flying Mint Bunny?" You asked looking up at Iggy who stopped arguing with Francecat and looked at you. He was the only one who accepted you to call him Iggy, whenever he heard you call him that name made his day "He's normal with my person or when my persons drunk....... He's at hoe probably" he said and you groaned. You pawed Americat again before you wrestled with him, you always liked wrestling with your dad, it made it more fun "Look he's down! He can't get up! Heroes and Bad guys enemies once again!" You called out pawing Americat's face as if you were punching him.

He chuckled and pushed you gently on the ground and starts to paw at you too "Now she's/he's done, looks like the heroes wins again!!" he said laughing in victory making you laugh as well. "Americat! She's/He's just a 3 month old kitten! Don't be so rough with her/him!!!" Iggy shouted making you pouted "C'mon Iggy! We were having fun!!" You said smiling and he shook his head before continuing arguing with Francecat. Americat chuckled and picked you up "Huh? Hey! What's the big idea for, Daddy?" You asked as Americat walked inside with you, he walked pass their persons who was having a meeting like they were having and walked into the living room. You were put down on your cat bed which was red, white and blue with a Captain America Cat plush, you looked up at Americat "Daddy, Heroes Don't Sleep! I need to go be a hero and beat some bad guys!" You said about to jump out of your cat bed but he stopped you.

"Yes but heroes and bad guys need to get some sleep" he said and you pouted, you knew he was right and went up to him and rubbed your head against his leg again and purred "I love you, Daddy!" You said looking up at him with your big (e/c) eyes into his blue ones, Americat smiled and does a nose touching with your nose "Love you too, my little sidekick" he said before hearing small snores and he looked down to see you already asleep making him smile more "Heroes are willing to fulfill wishes and my came true" he said quietly as he watches you sleep.

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