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3rd POV
You were the only kitten in your litter, your mother died a few days after you were born from being hit by a car. Your father was a house cat but couldn't leave to be with your mother. You were just 2 weeks old and your eyes were just barely open, your mews were tiny and more like a squeak than a mew but one lucky tom heard your mews for help, your short (h/c) fur was a bit tangled. You were sleeping in a box, mewing for someone to take you home "poor kleine [1]..." A deep German voice came into your hearing then you felt like you were being carried.

'I can't believe Itabby!? Verdammit?!' I thought as I grumbled down the sidewalk I was walking on, then I stopped when I heard a small mew. I walked carefully towards a cardboard box, I narrowed my eyes as I move the flap to see a kitten "Poor kleine..." I mumbled looking sadly at kitten then I picked her/him up and walked quickly to my home. I could hear the little kleine mew for someone then stopped when I placed her/him on the front porch of my house and licks her/his forehead. I once picked her/him back up and went in through the cat door, my person placed for me, I could tell that my person was probably training cause I can hear his shouts "ITALY! STOP SLACKING OFF AND START RUNNING?!" I shook my head, thinking that Itabby and Japaneko are here as well. I placed the kitten in my bed then walked back out to the backyard only to be tackled by an annoying Itabby "Ve!~ Germouser! Your-a here!" Itabby said "Itabby! Get off of me!" I shouted at him making him jump and run behind Japaneko.

I got up and sighed then heard something crash inside the house making me, Itabby, Japaneko and our person turn to the crash came from "Ve~....Germany what-a was that-a?" Itabby's person asked my person and he shrugged "I don't know.....lets go und find out" my person answered then we all went inside. We stopped when we all heard a mew coming from under a blanket and small movement "VE?! GERMANY WHAT'S-A THAT?!" I groan at Itabby's person fear then I walked slowly towards the movement and I lifted the blanket up only to meet with my light sky blue eyes to dull, filled with fear (e/c) eyes "W-where am I?" The kitten asked me laced with fear in her/his voice "Jour at my house.....I'm going to be jour Vätti [2]" I answered "Vätti? What's that mean?" (S)He asked me coming a little closer "It's Dad in German...mein kleines Mädchen [3]" I answered then licked her/his cheek when she fully came out from under the blanket, (s)he struggled then relaxed with a frown "Vätti! Stop it!" I chuckled then continued "Ve! Look Japaneko! Germouser has a piccola ragazza [4]" I heard Itabby.

I sighed "Do jou have a name kleines Mädchen?" I asked her/him and (s)he nodded "My mommy named me before she died....its (Y/n)! Vätti!" (S)He answered then saw my tail and starts playing with it, I sighed then looked around to see Itabby asleep along with his person and Japaneko being petted by his person. I felt weight on my paws making me look down to see (Y/n) asleep, I smiled a bit then picked her/him up and placed her/him in my bed "Gute Nacht mein kleines Mädchen..." I mutter then walked where my person was in the kitchen making Wurst.

|Timeskippy brought to you by Itabby tackling Germouser!| 3rd POV

It's been a few months since you were taken in by Germouser and he took you in as his daughter. You were playing tag with Venice-kit, Itabby's and Tomato (I guess on Romano's cats name, so I picked this one) little sister, your father Germouser was watching you with Itabby "Onkel Itabby! Come on play with us!" You shouted coming up to Itabby with Venice-kit behind you "Please fratello! Come play with us! Before we tackle you!" Itabby jumped then before he could run, he was tackled by you and Venice-kit. Germouser chuckled then picked you up by the scruff "Vätti! Put me down!" You laughed then was put down next to him "Keseseses~ Me and my person were gone for a few months and I come back an Onkel [5]~ West what have you been doing?~" a voice comes in making Germouser groan in annoyance, it was the one and only Gilbert. You looked at a White tom with a couple of scars and has one particular scar over his left eye "Who are you?" You asked him making him gasp in surprise "West! You didn't tell her/him about about zhe awesome me!!" Gilbert said looking at Germouser "(Y/n) this is jour Onkel, Gilbert this is jour Nichte [6]" Germouser answered as you walked over to Gilbert "So your Vätti's little brother?" You asked him then he chuckled "Nein...I'm your Vätti's older brother!" Gil answered puffing his chest in tough manner then you look at Germouser "Vätti how can Onkel Gil is your older brother.......he acts like a 2 month old kitten!" You said making Gil gasp "You better run! Before your Onkel catches you!" You took his advice and ran from him then he followed you, laughing.

Germouser shook his head and noticed that Itabby and Venice-kit were gone then he looked back then chuckled when you were on top of Onkel Gil as he whines for Germouser for help.

You were Germouser little girl/boy and you always will be.....but can be a troublemaker thanks to Onkel Gil.

[1] Kleine- Baby girl (German)
[2] Vätti- Dad (German)
[3] Mein kleines Mädchen- My little girl (German)
[4] Piccola ragazza- Little girl (Italian)
[5] Onkel- Uncle (German)
[6] Nichte- Niece (German)

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