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|3rd POV|
Swedcat (Sweden) was waiting outside a closet, pacing around waiting for some noise from inside telling him that Fincat (Finland) was doing alright with their new kitten coming into the world. Swedcat stopped when he heard a small mew coming from inside the closet, Swedcat walked closer to the door and pushed it open a bit then poked his head inside to see Fincat looking down at his paws tiredly, where a small (h/c) kitten wriggled around between Fincat's paws. Swedcat walked closer to Fincat to get a better look that their little kitten, who was mewing for Fincat's warmth.

Swedcat laid down next to Fincat, who laid his head down next to their wiggling kitten "(S)He's beautiful" Swedcat said softly (Sorry I can't do his accent! T^T) laying his head next to Fincat's "I think we'll call her/him (Y/n)...." Fincat said licking your tiny little body gently making you roll over a bit. You mewed as Fincat licked your neck, you somehow wiggle off the blanket that was under you and Fincat then you went over to where Swedcat was and settled between his paws. You curled yourself into Swedcat's chest and fell asleep "(Y/n)......perfect name for a sweet kitten" Swedcat said letting Fincat lay his head down and fall asleep too.

It's been a couple of months since you were born. You were a happy, loveable kitten who likes to have fun with your Äiti [1] and your Pappa [2], who loved you dearly. You were now currently 4 months old and was a bit troublesome when your parents weren't watching you "(Y/N)!? Where are you?!" Your uncle Dencat (Denmark) called out for you as you two were playing hide and seek, but Dencat would always get distracted or decided to take a nap.

You were playing outside, chasing a butterfly "Hey! Come back here you!" You said jumping up trying to catch the butterfly with your paws. You didn't noticed that you were going into the forest, getting farther away from home, you stopped and looked around "Uncle Dencat? Pappa? Äiti?..... Anyone?" You whimpered as you heard a twig snapped, you ran towards a bush and hid under it hoping someone would find you.

|Back with the Nordics|
Fincat and Swedcat came into the room, looking for you "(Y/n)? Are you in here?" Fincat called out looking around to see Dencat being strangled by Norcat (Norway) "Why Did You Let (Y/N) Go Outside By Herself/Himself!!" Icecat (Iceland) said narrowing his eyes at Dencat making Fincat's and Swedcat's heart stop "W-what? W-Wheres my little (Y/n)?" Fincat said shakily gaining everyone's attention "Dencat fell asleep and didn't see (Y/n) go outside and into the woods" Icecat said making Fincat's scary aura and mothers protectiveness come out "Now.....we're going to find (Y/n) and Dencat.." Dencat looked up at Fincat" Your not looking after (Y/n) from now on" Fincat finished then he and Swedcat rushed outside and into the woods to find you.

You were shaking in fear as night came "Where's Pappa and Äiti?" You whimpered as you curled yourself into a ball, whimpering for Fincat and Swedcat. Fincat ran around the area you were in "(Y/N)! Where are you!" Your head popped up and you crawled out from under the bush after hearing your Äiti's voice. Once you were out, you heard a growl from behind you making you jump and turn around slowly to see a big wolf growling at you, your eyes widen and your started to run towards where Fincat and Swedcat were "Äiti! Pappa!" You said coming up to them making them turn they're heads towards you "(Y/n)! Thank goodness, your alright!" Fincat said as you went into his stomach and snuggled his warmth.

A growl came from the wolf that was chasing you finally came up, Swedcat stood in front of you and Fincat, who picked you up by the scruff and ran off while Swedcat tried to distract the wolf so Fincat can take you back home. You whimpered as Fincat kept running towards the house, you were set down when Fincat reached the back porch "Where's Pappa, Äiti?" You asked snuggling Fincat's stomach as he licks your head comfortly "He'll be here shortly (Y/n).....don't worry" Fincat reassured you and he picked you back up and took you inside again. You were put down again in a blanket near the fire as Swedcat comes back in with a few scratches but no harm done "Pappa!" You said running up to Swedcat and snuggled into his stomach.

Swedcat smiled a bit and laid down making you laid down next to him "You made us worry (Y/n)......don't do that again" Swedcat said as you went into between his paws, laying your head down on one of his legs "I'm sorry Pappa...I didn't mean it" You said looking up at Swedcat with your big (e/c) eyes. Swedcat chuckled and licked your cheek "It's alright.....but we're not letting Dencat watch you ever again" Fincat said laying next to you and Swedcat. You smiled and yawn "I'm tired..." You mumbled as you tried to stay awake but couldn't. Fincat laid his head next to Swedcat's leg and Swedcat laid his head down as you slept quietly "Hyvää yötä kultaseni [3]" "God natt hjärtat [4]" Fincat and Swedcat whispered in their own language before they also fall asleep.


[1] Äiti- Mama (Finnish)
[2] Pappa- Daddy (Swedish)
[3] Hyvää yötä kultaseni- Goodnight sweetheart (Finnish)
[4] God natt hjärtat- Goodnight sweetheart (Swedish)

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