2P Germany

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Requested by leoismyidol and leo41s
You were laying around in the sun, getting a sunbath. You were pretty lazy and had a lot of energy when you want to play but you mostly be lazy and sleep with your Vatter [1] who is the same. You heard a twig snap making you open an eye, you sighed with your nose. It's probably (random name), a popular kitten who always picks on you because you have a scar across your chest and your deadpanned voice not to mention your collar which was old but still good.

You yawned and sat up and stretched your small muscles, your Vater was with your Italian uncle and your other uncle discussing on how to attack an enemy group of theirs. You were seriously good at fighting since your uncle would try and play rough with you so you can toughen up! You yawned again and looked around before getting tackled down "Well, well, well.... Look what the cat dragged in!" Yep, definitely (random name), she was older than you by a few months so she was bigger than you. She had black and white fur and a shiny collar letting everyone know she was in good hands. You looked at her with your eyes since she had her paw in your head "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue, (Y/n)?" She asked and you rolled your eyes an huffed. You really hated this girl, she's always picking on you whenever your walking around the sidewalks or just sunbathing on the sidewalk while getting cute comments from passing by people.

You looked around and paused her off of you making her fall to the ground, you sat back up and shook the dirt of your (h/c) fur and licked your paw. She gasped and growled at you, who didn't care. "Your going to pay for that!! I Just Got My Fur Done!!" She shouted at you unsheathing her class while you were looking at her with your half lidded (e/c) eyes. For a small she-cat/tom your age, you were quiet and could get into a fight with ease and everyone in your family would be proud of you. You looked at her before chuckling "For a prissy cat like you..." you started looking at her up and down then shook your head "..wouldn't stand a chance to me" you finished closing your eyes before opening them again. You stood up and (random name) pounced towards you but you stepped out of the way and clawed her shoulder making her yelp. Little did you know, three sets of eyes were watching you from the porch behind you.

I was sitting next to Luciano, who was watching (Y/n) fight another kitten. I could see he had approval in his eyes as he watches (Y/n)'s techniques as she/he uses to fight the other kitten. "That-a must be the kitten (Y/n) been-a talking about" he said looking at the black and white kitten who was growling at my daughter/son. I'm very impressed of her/him for a 3 month old kitten like herself/himself fighting a way older kitten than herself/himself. I watched her/him tackle down the kitten and said something to her before she/he backed off the kitten who got up and ran away. I heard chuckling making me turn to my right to see Luciano chuckling and looked at me "Maybe you are-a a good Papa" he said before looking at (Y/n) picking up something and stalked over to us.

"What do you got there (Y/n)?" Kuro asked looking at her/him as he comes in front of us. She/he drops a shiny collar and smirks at us "I got that dumb collar of hers off without her knowing..... You were right, Onkel Luci.... Getting things you want are easy without being detected!" She/he said smirking at Luciano. He only let her/him call him that, Luciano smirked and chuckle "Yep! Now-a lets get inside" he said before racing into the house with Kuro walking after him. I smiled a bit before walking to (Y/n) "Jou did good" I praised and she/he smiled at me "Thank you vatter" I chuckled and walked inside with her/him in front of me. I watched her/him walk inside and went to her/his toys that my person and his friends got her/him, for a quiet and silent cat like me has a soft spot a cute small kitten like my little (Y/n).

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