2P China

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Requested by APH_SpaMano
You were a small kitten actually the runt of your litter. Your mother had a grudge against you since your the smallest of all your four brothers and sisters. Your mother was a stray and bred on the streets, she didn't let you eat making you skinny and be all alone in the corner of the large box you were born in with your brothers and sisters. You father was a common cat, coming and going and ya know the usual. Your little tummy rumbles and you curled up more, your short (h/c) fur was all messed up since you haven't be given a bath. Your brothers and sisters were playing outside the box with your mother watching them, your mother didn't let you to play with your siblings even though they ask if you can play with them.

You were a different than your siblings, you had darker (e/c) eyes and a usual blank stare. You sighed and your tummy grumbled more, your ear twitched when you heard patting coming up the alleyway "There you are! I've Been Waiting For Hours!!" Your mother shouted and you rolled your eyes. This was usual when your father comes to see you and your siblings, your mother would shout at him when he's late. Your more like your father than your mother, a blank stare and doesn't really care for much. Your tail swishes around slowly, you could hear your siblings stop their playing and go to your father. Your father was always the silent type but he had a soft side when it comes to you, you looked up when you heard patting coming to the box and saw your mothers narrowed eyes.

She grabbed your scruff and picked you up making you hiss. She walked over to your father and sat you down in front of her "Now you take her/him.... She's/he's your problem now" your mother said before roughly pushing you to your father, who was glad on keeping you since he notices your poor health but didn't show it like you. You fell into his front paws and felt a rough tongue on your head, you always felt calm and warm when your with your father. You watched your mother leave with your siblings back into the alleyway. You felt yourself being picked up and you were now facing the entrance of the alleyway ".... Papa..." You questioned looking up but your father didn't answer you and kept walking out of the alley.


You were playing with a toy with your Fathers person Xiao, he was smiling a bit and laughed "Your too cute aru!" He said smiling at you which you stopped and tilted your head "Mew?" He almost squealed but he didn't. He just picks you up and held you in the air, for you to be a obvious little kitten you just pawed his nose making him chuckle then he puts you back down. You looked at him "Now stay here, I'll be right back aru" he said before walking away leaving you in the room.

You looked around and saw your Father sitting behind the window, looking outside. You being a curious little thing you are, you decide to see what he was looking at. You walked up and scaled up to him, once you got to where he was, you walked to him and sat down next to him. "(Y/n)... Aren't you suppose to be waiting where my person said?" He asked not looking at you and you nodded "Yes... But I wanted to see what you were looking at and now I can see it clearly" you answered looking at the dark clouds and the rumbles  of thunder. Your father, Zao, looked at you, who was watching the small drops of rain coming down in amazement. He watches you until he smiled a bit and looked back out to the rain dropped window as the rain started to fall a little faster.

You both watched the rain fall and was getting a little comfortable until a huge loud bang of thunder making you jump and fall off the windows board and went under the table with the cloth over it. Zao quickly jumped off and walked towards the table where your small little tail was shaking, his expression softened. You may be a small she-cat/tom that isn't scared of anything but you are a little kitten and they can get scared of something new or that you haven't heard of. "(Y/n)... Are you okay aru?" He asked lifting the cloth to show you looking back at him and you shook your head, you went in front of him and snuggled into his stomach "I-I'm scared Papa" you said quietly and he chuckled and licked your small head.

"Your safe with me... The thunder can't hurt you with me here" he said and you looked at him and nodded. You yawned and snuggled his stomach more before you were picked up again and walks over to a cat bed. He lays down and sets you down next to him, you curled up next to his stomach and yawned again. He chuckled and wrapped his tail around you "I love you Papa" his eyes widen and looks at you to see you were fast asleep then sighed in happiness before laying his head down "I love you too... My little rain drop/thunder" he said and continued to watched the rain fall from the window.

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