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Requested by Aph-Greenland! deadicatnya!
It was snowy night, a snow blizzard was heavy and you couldn't see a thing. Lights were coming from a house as the snow keeps falling, in a window a small shadow was watching the snow fall. It was a small kitten, she/he had short yet long (h/c) fur and bright little (e/c) eyes which were amazed as they watched the snow dance in the wind. A small little tail waved around in happiness, the kittens named was (Y/n) which was you. As you were watching the snow, five other cats were laying around each other. "Maybe you should get her/him away from the window.... It's cold against the glass" Fincat (Finland) questioned looking at you worriedly.

Norcat (Norway) sighed and looked at Fincat "It's this dummy's fault that he got (Y/n) into watching the snow fall" he said looking at Dencat who was nervously laughing. Norcat rolled his eyes and stood up and went over to you, you were so busy watching the snow, you haven't noticed your paws getting cold and Norcat coming up behind you. Your eyes followed each snowflake falling before they snapped out of the snows watching trance as you felt something picked you by your scruff. "Wha... Hey! I was watching the snow fall!!" You exclaimed looking up to see Norcat. Norcat went back to the little circle, Icekit (Iceland), Fincat, Swedcat (Sweden) and Dencat (Denmark) formed, he put you down in the middle before going back to his spot. You pouted and went over to Dencat "Far{1}..." You said as you climbed on top of him and laid on his head.

Dencat chuckled as your small tail waved around his face "What is it, my young princess/prince of Europe?" He asked in his King voice making you giggle "Mamma{2} took me away from watching the snow" you answered. Norcat sighed "I took you away from the window.... You know how the glass gets cold when it snows like this" he said looking at you and you giggled. Norcat stood up again and took you off Dencat's head and set you down in front of them.

It was quite a shock to see that you were the daughter/son of Dencat and Norcat even their persons were shocked. Heck, Norcat's person actually fainted and Dencat's person actually stayed in his room for a few hours when they saw signs that Norcat was pregnant and no if you were thinking the Birds and the Bees for cats then your wrong, it was actually a mishap with one of Norcat's persons spells. One day Norway had something to do and started to do the spell on a plant until Denmark suddenly came in and made Norway sent the spell to Norcat who was really close to them for some reason and Dencat was following him. Well I'm just going to tell you what happened anyway.

It was a a lot more warmer now since it wasn't winter but close, Norway happened to be walking inside the house with a box and headed to his room where he does his magical spell casting. Everyone else was jaunt doing their normal thing, Finland playing with Hanatamago or Hana for short with Sweden, Iceland was eating black licorice with Mr. Puffin and Denmark was just watching TV with Iceland. The cats were doing the same, Icekit was with Fincat and Swedcat while Norcat was just roaming around trying to get away from Dencat whom was following him. Norway was in his room, looking through his spell book and found a spell he had all the ingredients for.

He started to say the spell until "Hey Norge! Come Downstairs!!!" Denmark yelled loudly as he comes in Norway's room making Norway say one word just one word wrong and a bluish greenish orb of some sorts appears and flies around crazy making the two countries get down to the ground. It bounces of the walls until it flew out of the door and hit Norcat who was choking Dencat. Norway and Denmark looked around before poking their heads out of the room to see Norcat on the floor unconscious and Dencat was poking him. Norway slowly looks at Denmark and starts choking him "This Is Your Fault, You Stupid Dane!!" Denmark was laugh choking as Norway continues to choke him.

Ever since then, Norcat has been developing some symptoms that made everyone worry even Icekit! Norcat been sleeping a lot more, less active and more moody and more hunger than before. So when the five countries thought it was a good idea to watch Norcat more to see if they could recognize any symptom that they know of. Days pass by and a month came by, Iceland notices Norcat's stomach getting bigger and has been nesting for some reason so he informs Norway. Everyone was confuse until Finland said something out of the ordinary making Norway faint, Denmark go to his room, Iceland go out of the house and Sweden go to his workshop. Ever since they found out why Norcat been acting like this, they started to help.

Now since your 4 months old, the spell was done once you were born. Once you were born, everyone wonder why do you have short yet long fur around your neck and had a playful, excited aura around you until they noticed Dencat being unusually calm around you and Norcat then they figured it out. Norcat couldn't be happier to have you but he is the usual Norcat, you yawned and went over to Norcat who laid down. You laid down in from of him and curled up "I'm tired.... Mamma" you said sleepily and yawned again, Norcat purred and licked your head "It's time for you to sleep then" Fincat said smiling at you and you shook your head and was about to speak until another yawn came in.

Norcat started to give you a small bath and you tried to escape "Mamma!..... Stop.... I.." You trailed off as you shook your head trying to stay awake. Everyone chuckled at you trying to stay awake, Icekit was already asleep and Swedcat was too. Dencat moved closer to you and Norcat "The princess/prince of Europe needs some sleep to rule Europe once I step down from the throne" he said and you smiled before curling up more against Norcat's chest and fell asleep. Once you were fast asleep, Dencat smirked and looked at Norcat "Want to have another?~" Norcat looked up at him and then started to choke him.

"Shut It Stupid Dane!?"

{1} Far- Dad in Danish
{2} Mamma- Mom in Norwegian

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