CH 5: Naruto Gets a Pokéball

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Deidara was pouting. It was an official week since he arrived in Konoha. He has had Naruto run out and get things that he needed, avoiding go out as much as possible, and even then he only went out at night.

Naruto crossed his arms and stared at Deidara. "You need to go out Dei. It's not healthy to stay in here! Come to Ichiraku's with me."

"But Naruto, what if we run into...them, yeah?" Naruto knew who he was talking about. It's why he agreed to get things for Deidara.

"Then we'll introduce you and tell them why you're here." Deidara looked at him mournfully.

Naruto smirked and shook his head. "Not going to work Dei. Trust me," he pulled Deidara up from the couch, "it'll be fine."

Deidara sighed and put on his cloak, belt and boots. Then he picked out 6 pokéballs and attached them.

He still hasn't told Naruto about pokémon, but he was planning to today.

Then his visible eye light up. "If I explain to you about these," he held up a specially marked pokéball, "do we not have to go, un?" he asked hopefully.

Naruto looked at the ball in Deidara's hand and thought about the trade off. Learn about the strange red and white balls or make Deidara get out of the house. He smirked.

"Why don't we got to a traning ground so you can show me, then we'll hit up Ichiraku's?"

Deidara resigned himself and followed Naruto to the training ground.

When they got there Deidara stopped. "Before I start, I want to give you this, yeah," he handed Naruto the special pokéball. "You won't understand what this means until I'm done, but inside is a shiny Ninetails. He's orange with sky blue eyes, un."

Then Deidara picked a pokéball off his belt. "KATSU, Dancer!" He threw the pokéball and out came his Milotic.

Naruto gapped at creature. "This," Deidara pointed at Dancer, "is a pokémon."

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