Acting Childish

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Yui Pov

I want to do something totally different.  I want to see what would happen if the sakamakis all of sudden see me act childish. It sounds insane but I am sure it would be an fun experience. I will act like a child for one week. Lets see what happens. hehehe

-Dinner Time-

okay now to act childish.  I skipped downstairs like a child giggling out loud. I entered the dining room with a big cheesy smile  on my face.  My first victim was, " SU-BA-RU" Subaru jumped up frightened.  He looked at me and tried to say, "Tch what do you-" but i didn't let him finish. I jumped on him saying, like a child, " SUBARU I MISSED YOU." Subaru looked like he was having a heart attack.  But i continued, " Subaru, can we get candy, can we, can we, pweeeeease." I gave him puppy dog eyes and he started to blush.  

Everyone looked at me like i lost my senses.  Reiji coughed. "Yui. there will be no candy" I turned to him and puffed up my cheeks like any child would do. Reiji eyes widened. I stood up and stomped my foot saying, " Reiji is so mean."

Reiji Pov

I stared at Yui as she puffed up her cheeks like a child and called me mean. What is wrong with her. Did she drink one of my potions?


I acted frustrated and stomped my feet to my seat. Reiji had the servents hand me my food and I started to say," EWWWWW" 

"what" Reiji asked.  "I HATE BRUSSEL SPROUTS." I said pointing to the vegetable next to my mash potatoes.  

"Now yui, you must eat vegetables. You will grow big and...what am I saying" Reiji exclaimed holding his head.  Shu opened one eye and smirked at his brother.

"You sound like a mom"

" Shut up you lazy bum"

"Yes mommy" 

I ignored the both of them and looked at Kanato's plate that had cookies. "COOKIES" I yelled  Kanato glared at me and said," No, my cookies."

"Sharing is caring"

"But I'm not caring" kanato sneered at me.  I looked at him and silence filled the room. Then I sniffled. My eyes became watery. It wasn't hard for to me to cry thanks to all of the torture I had from these assholes.  Then, I began to wail.  "WAAAAAAAAAH. I WANT COOKIES. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"  Everybody started to cover their ears. "Shut up" Subaru yelled at me, but that made me cry harder. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAH. SHU, SUBARU TOLD ME A BAD WORD."  




"FINE"  Kanato gave me the cookies and I stopped. " Thank you Kanato" He grumbled at me and went to sit down.

"Nfu. Bitch chan is so naughty."  laito said this right next to my ear.  I turned to him and gave me his hentai smile.  " I wonder what else can come out of that mouth of yours except crying"

I looked at him. Then I began to sniffle.  My eyes began to water. "OH NO" Everyone yelled


"I AM NOT A MOMMY" (I'm sure you guys can guess who is mommy)

- The last day of the week-

This whole week was fun.  I avoided eating vegetables, reiji was not happy about that.  i only ate kanato's sweets, he was not happy about that.  I stole laito's hat and put glitter and ribbons on it, he was not happy about that.  I cried every time Ayato would call me pancake, he and Shu were not happy about that.  AAAAND i made Subaru give me piggy back rides and I called him my unicorn AND I put ribbions in his hair, he most definitely was not happy about that.  Well today was the grand finale.  The mukamis were coming over for some reason and I wanted to show them my childish side.  I waited to hear the door bell ring.  When I did,  I put on a cute puffy pink dress, put my hair in pig tails with two big pink ribbons, pink flats, pink ruffle  socks, and the finishing touch a rainbow swirly pop to hold.  I went down stairs looking very exicted. When i saw the Mukamis I yelled, " AZUUUUUUUSA"  the mukamis turned around and their jaws dropped when they saw me.  

" M Neko chan. what happened to you" I ignored him and looked at Azusa with sparkling eyes.  Well, i was eyeing his beret.  Azusa felt uncomfortable under my stare and then I ran to him and snatched his beret off his head. 

"Mine" I said happily and I ran around with the beret on my head.  My fun was ruined when the beret was snatched off my head. 

"Oi sow, this is Azusa's" Yuma growled at me.

" no its mine"

"No its Azusa's"

"NO its mine"

"Yui." Ruki said smoothly I looked at him and he told me, "stop acting like a spoiled brat"

I gasped and dropped my lollipop and looked at Ruki with a hurt expression. Then I began to sniffle. "Oh no" ayato said My eyes began to water. "NO" laito yelled. Then I began to cry. 


"YOU STUPID MUKAMI" Ayato yelled

"HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW" Ruki yelled back

"MAKE IT STOOOOOP" Kou and and Yuma yelled.  Azusa sat in then corner crying. Shu and Reiji were so close to killing me.  Laito's eardrums popped and he yelled, " KANATO, GIVER HER TEDDY."  Immediately I stopped crying and started smiling.  I reached out to the teddy bear and said, " Teddy"

Kanato backed up and yelled, " NOPE. NUH UH.   NOOPE. FUCK YOU AND THE WOMB YOU CAME OUT OF"  I gasped. now that really hurt. But i would not give up till I got a teddy. " I want a teddy" I sniffled. "NO" everyone yelled. My eyes got watery. "KANATO"  everyone yelled.

But before I could start crying, i was grabbed by my waist and pulled down on the couch. Shu held me tight and said in my ear, "I will be your teddy bear" He said it so gently that i looked up to him and smiled. Blue eyes met pink and I kissed him on the cheek. 

" My own teddy bear" I slept in his arms and dreamed good dreams. But not before I heard everyone give a sigh of relief.  

Well I hope everyone enjoyed cause this was fun to write. see you later.

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