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Yui Pov
I have decided to not talk for the whole week. I mean seriously. I am so sick of these assholes saying my voice is annoying. Well obviously I'm going to scream if I have fangs piercing my skin. What the hell do you expect? But if my voice is annoying then fine, you just won't hear it then.
I will be starting my silent treatment today. I walked downstairs and saw Shu lying down on the couch. I ignored him and sat on the love seat and started to read. I didn't say a word for thirty minutes.
Again silence
He looked at me and found me looking back at him.
"Didn't you hear me?"
I nodded.
"Then why didn't you say anything?"
I shrugged my shoulders and went back to reading. He kept staring at me.
"Hmph. Too quiet."
Really?! You always complain about noise now you're upset? Fucking dumbass. Then Reiji came into the living room and glared at Shu as usual and looked at me. I smiled at me and went back to reading.
"Hmmm. It's nice to see you doing something productive."
Then, he looked at Shu. "And it would be nice to see you die."
Shu opened one eye and glared at his brother. I ignored them both and kept on reading.
"Woman, did you finish your homework?" Reiji asked.
I nodded at him and continued reading. Without me blinking he was right in front of me and grabbed my fave to look at him.
"Answer me when I speak to you. You were born with a mouth for a reason."
I nodded my head. He let go and asked me again.
"Did you do your homework?"
And again I nodded. He got pissed and reached for my thoart but Shu stopped him.
"Just leave her alone. There must be a reason why she is not talking. Probably has a sore thoart or something."
Reiji snarled at me then sighed. Then he teleported away. Shu went back to "sleep" but I swear I heard him mumble,"too quiet"
It was time for school and I still was not talking. Laito and Ayato were arguing about who I belonged to, Kanato was talking to teddy as usual, Shu was sleeping, Reiji was reading, and Subaru was looking out the window. I felt contempt until Ayato grabbed me and pointed at Laito.
"Oi pancake. Tell this bastard that you are mine."
I didn't say a word. He looked at me and started to shake me.
"I said to tell him your mine."
Not a peep came out of me.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"Nfu, I think she is not saying anything cause she knows she belongs to me, right Bitch chan?"
Again silence.
"Bitch Chan why aren't you saying anything?"
I smiled at him and shrugged.
"Oi, you better speak now or else"
I still said nothing.
"Is there something wrong with her teddy?"
Subaru, Reiji, and Shu glanced at me. I raised my two hands up and shook my head.
"Say something then" Laito said.
I didn't release any sounds. All six vampires stared at me, wondering why I was so silent.
"Neh, Yui do you want to have a tea party with me." Kanato asked.
I looked at him and nodded. We went up to his room and had our tea party. I already knew diaster was going to strike but I couldn't say no. As we were eating our cookies he came right out and asked me,
"Do you like your cookies Yui?"
I smiled at him and gave an okay sign. Then disaster striked.
Kanato threw the cookies at me and slapped me.
I touched my cheek and looked at him with angry eyes.
"Ah, are you angry with me? Please don't be angry with me?" He began to cry. I rolled my eyes and hugged him. Such a bipolar mess.
"Ah I'm so happy you are not angry." He said happily. Again I rolled my eyes. Such a brat.
I was by the window in the hallway when I heard a very irritating voice.
"Nfu hello bitch chan"
He wrapped his arms around me and licked my neck. I tried not to flinch.
"Bitch chan, I'm thirsty."
To his surprise I lifted up my hair and tilted my head to right for him to drink. He huffed in frustration and bit me. Hard. I guess he was trying to get a sound out of me cause when I didn't do my regular cry of pain he stopped. I waited for more but I didn't feel more. I turned to look at him and what I saw made me freeze. He was angry. What the fuck?
"Bitch chan, I want to hear you sqeaul." I said nothing. All of a sudden, he grabbed me by my thoart and started to squeeze. My eyes widened and I began to lose air but I still did not speak.
"I want you to beg me to stop and cry like you usually do." His eyes glintned with eviI as he said that. It wasn't until Laito was pulled away from that I felt air come back to my lungs.
"Dumbass. She won't speak again if you snap her neck" Ayato said while glaring at his triplet. Laito chuckled weakly.
"I guess not." Laito gave me a quick look and left me and Ayato standing there. I looked at him and smiled as a thank you. Ayato gave me a look that I have never seen him give me. My smile faded. I was expecting him to say, " Ore Sama wants some takoyaki"
But instead he walked away without saying one word. How odd.
I walked in the garden among the white flowers. I really needed the fresh air. My thoart had stopped hurting but it was worse yesterday. Reiji gave me some medicine after he heard the incident from Ayato. He gave me something that completely healed it. I don't know what it was but it really helped. I lied down on the grass looking up at the sky. I heard some footsteps behind me but I didn't need to look up to see it was Subaru.
"What are you doing?" He growled. I said nothing. I just pointed to the stars.
"What is so good about the stars?" He questioned. Instead of answering I patted the spot next to me. He hesitated but nonetheless layed next to me. It was quiet until he snapped.
I looked at him and smiled. I patted his head to call him down. His cheeks got a little pink from the action.
"C-cut it out" he said looking away. I smiled and handed him a paper. He looked at the paper with scrutinizing gaze and took it. I knew Subaru was a little better than his brothers, so I wanted him to know.
The paper read:I am not speaking for the whole week since your brothers said my voice is annoying. Please keep this a secret.
Subaru raised an eyebrow and gave a small smirk. He ripped the paper, took out a lighter, and burned it.
"Your secret is safe with me."
We were in the limo on the way to school and the place was quiet. No one knew what to do. When we reached the school, Ruki was meeting us outside. I knew some shit was going to go down.
"Hello livestock" Ruki said in monotone. What is with him calling me that?
I smiled and nodded at him. He raised an eyebrow.
"Ooh. Can you not speak livestock? Did these Sakamakis hurt your thoart?" He came up to me and caressed my face. I backed up right into Ayato, who surprisingly wrapped his arms around me.
"Listen Trash. This is our prey not yours. Must we remind you that?" Reiji said while pushing up his glasses.
"Trash? Ehh. Reiji kun is so mean." Kou said appearing out of nowhere.
"Oh look. The two face asshole is here." Subaru sneered.
"Don't you have a wall to punch" Yuma said while glaring at Subaru
"Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black" Shu sighed lazily.
"Really now... we all know...who Eve wants to be with." Azusa said with his usual blank look.
"How would you know filth?" Kanato snarled. These two have some history that I don't know about.
"Let's just ask her then." Ruki announced.
"Yes. Lets." Laito smirked
"Who do you want to stay with?" They all said together.
I looked at all of them from fangs to fangs. Then I smiled, put my finger to my chin and shrugged my shoulders. They all stared at me.
"M neko chan. At least say something we want to know your opinion." Kou said annoyed. I felt Ayato tighten his grip around me. What in the world?
I turned to look at him and he looked back at me with an unreadable expression. Then he let go of me to choose who I wanted to be with. I smiled and turned back to everyone.
I opened my mouth as if I was going to speak, they all leaned foward, then I pointed upward. They all were confused and looked up.
"What are we supposed to see Bitch-" Laito began but then he like everyone else saw that I ran away.
"HEY" they all yelled.
The last day of my silent treatment. How I managed to survive this week I don't know how. I guess kamisama is by my side. I was in my room just thinking to myself when I felt someone behind me. I turned to see Ayato and I smiled at him. He grabbed me and pinned me to the wall. He grabbed my face and made me look at him.
I stayed silent.
"I said speak"
I continued my silence.
I was as silent as a grave. Then what happened next caught me off guard. He hugged me. Yes, hugged me. I was confused.
"Why?"He started. "Why won't you speak to me?"
I felt something wet touch my shoulder. Is he crying?
I looked at the clock. Only 2 more minutes till midnight.
"Yui." I jolted from hearing my name.
He moved back a little, our cheeks brushing eachother and our noses so close to eachother.
1 more minute.
Green eyes met pink. I could feel my heart beating fast.
60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50
I felt his his breath blowing on my face
49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40
It smelled like takoyaki
39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30
Of course it does
29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
He picks me up gently and sets me on the bed. My heart stops as he comes closer to me.
19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
He cuddles me and puts his lips to my ear.
9 8 7 6
He whispers in my ear
"I won't leave here until you speak again"
"I want to hear your voice again"
"Please let me hear it again"
"I love you Yui. So please speak."

"I love you too."

Ah. I really like this one. It was fun to write and I hope you enjoyed it too. See you later♡

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