Chapter 4

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I got up really early in the morning and decided to take a shower before I decorated my room. When I was done showering I got into my Hogwarts robes, then I went in my room and opened my  Narnian chest that was holding a very special type of rare wood, rosewood. It has magical properties to become anything you want it to become. So I made a bed, two bedside tables, a vanity and a wardrobe. I got a pink bedspread and painted the walls light pink. I used some magic to make the paint dry faster and hung pictures on the wall and hung some curtains on the window. I also got a chair for my vanity. This is what happens if you have been a queen for 15 years, you always want a vanity. When I was done I heard a knock on my door. I opened it up and saw Harry, Hermione and Ron standing outside looking worried. 

"What's wrong guys?" I asked. 

"We heard noises coming from your room, and we were knocking for the last five minutes and you didn't answer till just now." Harry said. 

"Oh, I was just decorating my room. Want to see?" I asked. 

They nodded and walked in. And let me tell you the look on their faces, price-less. 

"Wow. Can you help me decorate my room?" they all asked at the same time.

"Sure. Now lets head to the Great Hall to get some breakfast." I said, laughing.

"You girls go ahead. Me and Ron need to change first." Harry said.


Me and Hermione waited 15 minutes before the boys got to the Great Hall. The boys claimed they were lost and me and 'Mione shook our heads in disbelief. 'Minnie' passed out our time tables and me and 'Mione went to our first class, Transfiguration. When we arrived in class, I set my stuff down in a chair right next to 'Mione in the front row. I walked to the front of the class where a cat was on the desk, but I knew it was Minnie.

"Hiya, Minnie. Miss me?"I asked the cat, while petting it. Minnie  purred letting me know she said yes. I gave her a smile and sat back in my seat. We waited a few minutes before students started to file in. We waited 5 minutes after class started, but I know that Minnie was waiting on Ron and Harry. Then after a few moments, guess who decided to grace us with their presence. Yep that's right. Harry and Ron.

"We made it. Can you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late." Ron said. I rolled my eyes at this remark before I saw Minnie transform  back into her normal self. "That was bloody brilliant." Ron said in awe. 

"Thank you for that assessment Mr. Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful if I transfigure Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocket watch. That way one of you might be on time." Minnie said giving them a disapproving, stern look.

"We got lost." Harry said.

"Then perhaps a map. I trust you don't need one to find your seats."

The hurried to their seats, getting out the materials for transfigurations. After taking complicated notes, we were told to try and turn a match stick into a needle. I got it on the first try, but others weren't as lucky.

"Good job Ms. Aurora. 5 points to Gryffindor for completing the task."

By the end of the class, besides me, only Hermione had even the slightest change. Her's didn't change fully, but it did turn all pointy at the tip.

The rest of the week's classes were uneventful. We had History of Magic which had a professor that was a ghost. He droned on and on. Most fell asleep. I think Hermione and I were the only ones taking notes in class. Not that I don't like magic, I wished he would talk about something different every once and a while. Next was Herbology. We had this three times a week outside in the greenhouses. We learned about different plants and fungi. It was pretty simple, but not my favorite. Then there was Professor Flitwick's class, Charms. DADA, the class everyone was looking forward to turned out to be a joke. Quirrel talked about his adventures and how he got his turban from some prince for getting rid of some zombies. When Seamus (another first year) asked how, Quirrel turned red and started talking about the weather. I knew I didn't like him. 

Friday was an Important day for Ron and Harry. They found the Great Hall without getting lost. When they sat down by Hemione and I, Harry  asked what we had today.

"Double potions with Slytherins." I said without looking at the schedule. Ron audibly groaned. "They say Snape favors Slytherin's, him being the head of the house and all. We can see if it's true." Ron said pigging out on his breakfast.

"Wish McGonagall favored us." Harry said gloomily. Minnie is the head of Gryffindor, but that didn't stop her from giving us loads of homework. I found it easy and finished it quickly after dinner, but the boys didn't. Just then owls came in the Great Hall. I saw Athena fly in, which was odd because I wasn't expecting any letters. Athena dropped down in front of me the same time Hedwig, Harry's owl, landed in front of Harry. I grabbed the letter Athena was carrying in her beak. When I saw who it was from, I was excited. It was from my dad. I read the letter and it said he wanted to see me tomorrow. He said that he already asked Dumbledore, so I looked at Dumbledore with a big smile and he gave me a nod, letting me know that I could go. If possible, my smile grew even bigger.

"You're certainly excited about that letter." Hermione said. I told her about the letter and she gave me a small smile.

"Hey, what to come with me to see Hagrid this afternoon?" Harry asked.

"Sure." We said.

Harry told us as we were walking down to the dungeons for Potions that he'd got the feeling that Snape didn't like him very much. He wasn't wrong as it turned out. We walked into the classroom and sat in the back.The class then started to become filled with Gryffindor and Slytherins alike, but still no Snape. The doors suddenly busted open revealing Snape. After roll call, Snape gave a speech.

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science an exact art that is potion making," he started in just above a whisper but we all heard. "However, for those selected few who possess predisposition I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death." He continued to survey the class and stopped on me, giving me a small smile, which I gladly returned. Then he spotted Harry writing it all down. "Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel comfortable enough to not pay attention." He raised his voice at the end, glaring at Harry. 

"Tell me Potter, what would I get if I add powdered root of Asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Snape asked, continuing to glare at Harry. Harry looked confused. "You don't know? Let's try again. Where would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?"

"I don't know." Harry mumbled.

"What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" he asked Harry. "Sit down!" he snapped at Hermione, who I just now realized was standing. "Aurora do you know?" Snape asked me. I nodded my head and he beckoned me to continue.

"When you add powdered root of Asphodel to an infusion of wormwood, you get a very powerful sleeping potion known as the draught of the living death. You can find a bezoar in the stomach of a goat and it can save you from most poisons. As for monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant that goes by the name of aconite." I stated.

"5 points to Gryffindor for Aurora answering correctly, however, 1 point from Gryffindor for Mr. Potter's check."

We continued the class and we were assigned a task to make a potion to cure boils. I got done in 10 minutes, and Professor said it was perfect and gave Gryffindor another 5 points. After class, we told Hagrid about Potions. But I couldn't stop thinking about tomorrow.   

(A/N hey guys and girls, First off, do you want me to make mini chapters of Aurora decorating Harry, Ron and Hermione's room or no. Next, why no comments. I like it when you comment so that I get to know you. Also I am going to do a mini chapter about Athena, Aurora's owl, so look forward to that. And if you have any questions for me, ASK THEM. I WILL ANSWER THEM. So yeah, bye.)

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