Chapter 8

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I was looking around to try to find my surroundings. And what I saw surprised me. Cair Paravel. I saw all of the Narnians working like they did last time I was there. I went to the throne room and saw five empty thrones. This must be after I left. I saw two guards standing to the side of the thrones.

"Hello." I said, trying to get their attention. The didn't say anything so I assumed they couldn't see me. I then heard the sound of a horn. Cair Paravel was under attack. I ran towards the outside of the castle and saw ships sailing our way. The scene changed and I saw narnians fighting... HUMANS!! But there are no humans in Narnia. I continued to watch, when the scene changed again. This time the narnians were running into the forest. I looked back at Cair Paravel and saw these humans use catapults. I saw as Cair Paravel was being destroyed. My home. I saw as the ruins of Cair Paravel started to disappear. I was waking up.

"No, wait. I want to know what happens next. NO!" I said as I woke up.

HERMIONE'S POV (Before Aurora woke up)

Ron, Harry, Fred, George and I went to go see Aurora. We went into the hospital wing and saw McGonagall and Pomfrey. Then we heard Aurora scream. We ran over to her and she was sitting up with her head in her hands.

"Aurora, are you alright?" I asked.

"Huh?" she said like she didn't realize we were standing next to her. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Ok." we said, not believing her for one second. 

"Well, I brought you some clothes to change into when you are going to leave." I said.

"Which is right now." Madam Pomfrey said, walking over towards us.

"Are you sure I'm ok to go?" Aurora asked.

"Yes, you're perfectly fine. You healed remarkably quickly." She said.


I got dressed behind a cover so the guys couldn't see me. Hermione got me a light pink shirt with white polka dots, magenta jeans, white flats and a bag of makeup. I placed my hair in a braided ponytail. I followed the gang to the common room because I wasn't hungry. Fred and George went to go eat in the great hall, so me, Hermione, Harry and Ron sat in the common room. I looked at Hermione and saw tears falling from her eyes. 

"'Moine, whats wrong?" I asked.

"It's my fault you got hurt." she said.

"No it's not. I'm the one who jumped in front of you." I said, hoping to cheer her up.

"Still, if I should have gotten hit, not you." she said. I was about to say something but she continued, "Come on, lets get some sleep. You two have your first game tomorrow." she said pointing to me and Harry.

"Just what I need. Another reminder that we have a game tomorrow." I said groaning. We went to our rooms and fell asleep.

(Sorry the chapter is so short guys and girls. I have a lot of stuff to do this week with all the school work and chores. But I promise the next one will be longer. Bye.)

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