Hey Guys and Girls.

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Hey guys and girls, sorry I haven't uploaded this week like I said I would. This week has just been really hectic. I had so many things that I didn't even know about. My mom was dragging me all over creation. Please, PLEASE don't hate me. I'm trying my hardest to write these chapters. I really am. But before I leave, I have some thing to talk to you about. So I have 4, yes four characters that I that you should have an opinion about. They are all sisters, in the same year and are all in different houses. Here they are.

Name: Bella Willows
House: Gryffindor
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Personality: Out-going, witty, and courageous

Name: Violet Willows
House: Slythrin
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Personality: Really ambitious, never gives up

Name: Mimi Willows
House: Hufflepuff
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light blonde
Personality: Shy yet super clever

Name: Lilian Willows
House: Ravenclaw
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Blonde
Personality: Witty, brave and a little nerdy

So yeah, tell me what you think. And again, I'm so, So, SO sorry for not updating. Please forgive me. I'll see ya'll later. Bye. :D

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