Chapter 6

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I woke up really early and decided to take a shower. After my shower, I got changed into some muggle clothes knowing Dumbledore wouldn't care. Then I walked down to the Great Hall to get some breakfast. About 15 minutes later, Hermione came in followed by a tired Ron and Harry. My guess was that Hermione woke them up because I was already gone. They sat down and begin to eat while I read a book. I looked towards the others and saw that Ron was in a grumpy mood. I knew he wasn't friends with Hermione, Harry wasn't ether. I think I was Hermione's only friend in our little group. Poor 'Mione. 

"So what are we doing today?" Harry asked to anyone.

"Flying lessons with Slytherins." I said, still reading my book. Ron and Harry groaned.

"The last thing I want to do is embarrass myself in front of Malfoy and the other Slytherins." Harry said looking gloomy. I look up to say something to Harry, but then I saw Malfoy giving me weird winks.

 I put my book up and stood up and left to our class with Hermione next to me, with Ron and Harry behind us. We got outside and stood by one of the brooms. I saw most of the boys looking at me in weird ways. I decided to ask Hermione to see if she knew.

"Hemione, why do you think the boys are looking at me weirdly?" I asked.

"Because, they each have a crush on you." she said. 

I looked at her, still confused. " A crush?" I asked.

"They like you." she said.

'Like me?' I thought. 'They can't like me. I'm thousands of years older then them. But they don't know that. Why would they like me? Boys are so confusing.'

"Good morning class." a woman said who I assumed was Madam Hooch.

"Good morning Madam Hooch." we said back to her.

"Welcome to your first flying lesson. Everyone stand at the left side of your broomstick, place your hand over the broom and say 'Up'." she said. I placed my hand over the broom and said up very firmly and clearly. The broom shot into my hand. Only Harry, Malfoy and I got it done. Others weren't as lucky. Hermione's just rolled on the ground. Ron's smacked him in his face. This caused me to giggle a little bit. 

"Shut up." he said to me, but I could see that he was smiling.

"Now, once you have got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. Grip it tight, you don't want to slip off." Madam Hooch said. "Now when I blew my whistle, I want each of you to kick of the ground, hard." she said. I heard a sound and looked towards the forest. Although I  couldn't see him very clearly, I saw my dad. I looked back towards Madam Hooch waiting for her to blow her whistle. But before she could, Neville, who I've become good friends with, pushed off the ground, nervous he'd be left behind. "Come back down here this instant." Madam Hooch said firmly. Neville was flying into walls and gargoyles. Then he fell off his broom and landed on the ground with the sound of a crack. "Oh dear, a broken wrist. Come on now boy, up you get." Hooch mumbled. "Everyone is to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take him to the hospital wing. If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will be expelled from Hogwarts before they can say Quidditch." Hooch said, walking off.

I wanted to talk to my father, but before I could, Draco spoke. "Did you see his face? Maybe if he gave this a squeeze, he would have remembered to land on his fat arse." Draco said, picking up Neville's rememberall, which he had gotten at breakfast.

"Give it here Malfoy." Harry and I said.

Draco then faced us. "No, I think I will leave it somewhere for Longbottem to find. How about the roof." he said taking off towards the roof. Me and Harry grabbed our brooms and flew after him, Hermione telling us not to.

"Give it here Malfoy or I'll knock you of your broom." Harry threatened bravely, flying towards Draco and almost knocked him off his broom. I then flew towards Draco at a fast pace and stole the Rememberall from him.

"CATCH!" I screamed at Harry. I threw the ball past him and he raced after it and caught it, almost hitting the window. We both flew down to the cheering Gryffindors and the sulking Slytherins. Harry handed me the Rememberall and I put it in my pocket for Neville.

"POTTER, AURORA, come with me." I turned around to see Minnie and gulped. We're in deep trouble now. We followed Minnie to the DADA classroom. "Professor, may I borrow Wood for a moment?" Wood? Now I was confused. But not a moment after a burly fifth year walked out of the class. "Follow me." Minnie said. She led us to a empty classroom. "Wood, I found you a new Chaser and Seeker." Minnie said. I was in shock. We got on the Quidditch Team! I-I don't know what to say. I looked over at Harry and saw that he was confused. Typical. We both walked away after Minnie told us to come to a private practice tomorrow. We walked into the Great Hall and sat in our normal seats.

"What happened?" Ron asked. We told him what happened and he stared wide eyed. "But first years never make there house teams." he said. The 'Mione started lecturing us about being careful and stuff. We walked back to our dorms to turn in for the night, but the stairs started to change. We were facing towards the Forbidden Corridor. "Do you feel like we shouldn't be here?" Ron said.

"We shouldn't be here. It's the third floor, which is forbidden." I said. We turned around and saw Filch's cat, Ms. Norris. And where ever she was he was close behind. We all ran in the other direction till we were trapped by a door.

"It's locked." Ron said.

"Move over." I said pushing him out of the way. "Alohomora." The door unlocked and we ran in. When Filch and Ms. Norris passed by us, we turned around and saw a fearful sight. It was a Cerberus or a three headed dog. I was shocked. Why would Dumbledore have a Cerberus in Hogwarts. What confused me more then that was the fact that it was standing on a trapped door. I grabbed Hermione's hand and ran with the boys after us. We got back to the dorm and I let go of Hermione's hand. By this time it was time for bed. 

"What are they thinking? Keeping something like that in the school." Ron said mortified.

"Weren't you looking with your eyes. It was standing on a trapdoor, probably guarding something." Hermione said. I nodded.

"I was more worried with its heads. If you haven't noticed, it had three." Ron said. We got to the stairs which separated the boy's dorms from the girl's.

Hermione then turned to Ron and Harry. "If you two don't mind, we are going to bed before you come up with another clever idea to get us killed, or worst expelled." she said before grabbing my hand and taking us to our dorm. All though the night I was thinking about what the Cerberus might be guarding. And why?

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