Chapter 7

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(I'm going to skip the part of were Wood expaines Quiddatch)


I woke up really early and got dressed into some clothes I thought I was going to wear today, when 'Mione said it was Halloween.

"What's Halloween?" I asked. She made a dramatic gasp. "What?" I said again.

"Halloween is were you dress up in fun costumes. Dumbledore is allowing us to dress up if we want to." she said.

"Why aren't you?" I asked.

"I don't want to." she said. "But I do know you have a lot of beautiful dresses in your room, which look like they were created in the times of kings and queens." she continued, giving me pleading eyes.

"Fine." I said, knowing I was going to lose. "Tell the others to wait for me." I told her. I walked into my room and opened my chest full of Narnian clothes. I pulled out the outfit I wore when I was crowned a Queen of Narnia. It was a silver and light blue dress, with a silver cloak and white shoes. I got changed into my clothes, remembering the same softness from the Coronation. I put on some makeup and curled my hair. I opened one of the drawers on one of my bedside tables, and pulled out a box. I opened the box, and in it laid the same tiara I was crowned in. I put it on and looked in the mirror. Seeing myself like this made me remember the Pevenies. I looked away and walked out the door, hoping my friends would like it.


Me, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and Percy sat in the common room to wait for Aurora because she asked us to.

"Would she hurry up. We're going to miss breakfast." Ron said.

"Do you ever not think with your stomach?" Hermione asked with her nose stuck in a book.

"Yes, but it's never about you." Ron mumbled. We all talked about what we've learned so far, that we didn't hear the door open.

"What do you think?" A voice asked. We all turned towards the sound of the voice to see Aurora in the most beautiful dress I have ever seen.

"I think our little sis is growing up to fast." Fred said. They thought of Aurora as part of the family, so I understood why he said that. Aurora placed a small smile on her lips. She actually looked like royalty in that outfit.


I was glad they liked the outfit. We walked till we stood in front of the doors that led towards the Great Hall. The doors opened and the hall went silent. I saw other people with costumes on, too. I looked towards the teachers and saw Minnie, Snape, Hagrid and Dumbledore all smile at me. The may or may not of been in Narnia during my Coronation. We walked to our normal seat, and everyone, and I mean everyone was staring at me. The Hall didn't start talking again till we sat down. But they were still staring. (I'm going to skip the part where they go to Charms class) We were on our way to Charms class. I was really excited because we were going to learn the levitation charm. Flitwick placed us in groups. Hermione and Ron, Harry and Neville, and me and Seamus, which 'Mione was really excited about because she thinks we make a cute 'couple'. Yuck. It's not that I do't like him, it's that I don't want to be in a relationship. I mean what do you expect. I'm immortal, which means, sooner or later, everyone I know and love is going to die, except for me and my dad. That's why I hate being immortal. We started our lesson, when I heard Hermione telling Ron that he was saying the spell wrong. He told her to show him the right way to say it. Hermione called my name and I looked over at her and we shared a knowing look and said, "Wingardium Leviosa." We both got 5 points, and left to go to dinner. We were talking, till we heard Ron talk to Harry.

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