Chapter 5

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I walked to Hagrid's hut feeling really happy. I mean, how would you feel if you haven't seen the only parent that has been there for you for a whole year. My mother has never been there for me. She helped my father create me before she turned evil. Yeah, my mom's the White Witch. I never thought of her as a mother. I'm surprised the Pevensies still trusted me after my mom held their brother hostage. Yeah, not the greatest day of our lives. Heh heh, yeah. Anyways, I was in front of Hagrid's and was about to knock, when the door opened revealing Hagrid.

"Well hello there, little cub." Hagrid said.

"Hello Hagrid." I said with a smile. "How are you?"

"Good. Ready to go?" He ask looking at my clothes weirdly.


We started to walk towards the Forbidden Forest. I looked at Hagrid every once and awhile. He kept looking at my clothes like they were alive.

"What?" I asked.

"Where did you get that dress from?" He asked.


He nodded his head and we continued to go on our way. We kept walking and I heard voices every now and then, like...

"There she is dad." or "Is that her mommy.", also "The queen." and "Shh, she'll hear us." I knew they were centaurs. 

Hagrid stopped and so did I.

"Are you sure you want to wait here by yourself?" Hagrid asked me.

"Of course. And I won't be by myself." I said giggling a little bit.

"Ok." He said walking off.

I waited till Hagrid was far enough before calling out. "You can come out now. He's gone."

I saw a little centaur girl poke her head out from around the tree before walking out.

"Hello little one." I said kneeling down towards her level.

"Hello, your Highness." She said bowing towards me. Eventually the rest of the centaurs came out of hiding. They wanted to know all about Narnia and what it was like being Queen. We talked till about lunchtime, when they left. But before they did, the little girl, whose name was Zoey, gave me a flower tiara. I said good-bye and waited for my dad, hoping that he didn't forget. I sat down and ate my lunch, when I heard a noise. I assumed it was the wind and kept eating. I heard the noise again, this time louder. I put my food away and walked towards the noise with my wand in my hand. I looked around, trying to find where the noise came from. It wouldn't help if I had my wand out because Quirrel didn't teach us anything about defending ourselves. I wish I had my bow and arrows or my dagger with me. I better at defending myself with those then I am with a sword or wand. I kept walking when I heard a new sound. A growl. I looked around a tree and saw... DAD! But he was looking at something. There was a unicorn on the ground with unicorn blood around it. I walked next to my dad and started to pet him.

"What do you think happened?" I asked him, still looking at the unicorn.

"I don't know." he started, looking at the unicorn sadly now, "But I think it would be best if we told someone." He then turned to me. "Come, I want you to tell me everything that has been happening here." 

I smiled. I was glad he wanted to talk to me about something other then the dead unicorn. It made me sad to see the unicorn dead. We walked and talked about school and my new friends. I also told him about what the teachers teaching us. I also told him about Quirrel. My father was confused of why he wasn't teaching us defense against the dark arts. I told him my honest answer.

"I think he is a fraud." I told my dad.

"What do you mean." he asked me.

"He's scarred of his own shadow. Why would a man scarred of his own shadow teach us defense against the 'DARK' arts?" I asked him.

My farther looked like he was thinking. "Watch him. I think he might be hiding something." he told me. I nodded my head. We continued to talk about school. It was almost dinner time, so my dad walked me back to the castle. It was late, so no one would be outside. I said my good-byes to my dad and went inside. I wasn't able to change, so I had to eat in the Great Hall in my Narnian clothes. When I walked in, everyone stopped talking and looked at me. Soon they started whispering at each other. I sat next to Hermione and across from Harry. They were looking at me weirdly, Ron too.

"What?" I asked, still ignoring the stares I was given.

"It's just... your clothes." Hermione said.

I looked at my clothes, and then back at her. "What about them?" I asked, now confused. I liked my clothes. They were Narnian clothes, and clothes from Narnia feel much more better then the clothes here do.

"It's just... I've never seen clothes like those before." she said. I nodded my head, knowing that she has never been to Narnia before, so she wouldn't know what the clothes looked like.

"Ok." I said. We continued to eat while I told my friends about the dead unicorn. Ron didn't seem like he cared, while Harry and Hermione looked shocked. 

"What do you think we should do?" Hermione asked.

"We should tell someone." Ron snapped at her.

"Tell someone what Mr. Weasley." Snape sneered from behind him.

I decided to tell him. "Me and my father found a dead unicorn in the forest, and me, Harry, Ron and Hermione were wondering if we should tell Professor Dumbledore." 

"I see. I tell him immediately." Snape said. He started to walk off to the teacher's table to tell Dumbledore. Being a lion, I have really good hearing so I decided to listen in on their conversation.

"Professor Dumbledore, we may have a problem." Snape said.

"What seems to be the problem Severus?" Minnie asked, who was previously talking to Dumbledore.

"Aurora and Aslan found a dead unicorn in the Forbidden Forest."

There was a short pause.

"Are you sure Severus?" Dumbledore asked in a serious and concerned voice.

"Aurora and Aslan aren't known to lie." Snape said.

"Tell Hagrid to search around the school grounds for what might be doing this and to make sure that there aren't anymore creatures that have suffered." Dumbledore said. Snape nodded and went on his way.

When dinner was over we went back to our rooms. I was thinking about our flying lessons with Slytherins, since Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were practicing today. I went into my room and got changed, got in bed, and was out like a light.

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