A Real High School Party (2)

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Okay Karlie, you got this. Just...look for Ed. And Taylor. Karlie smiled at the thought of seeing those two all dressed up. She bravely went to one of the beverage tables that was being populated by a strikingly beautiful blonde with amazing brows. "Time to make friends...." The brunette mumbles to herself as she approaches the stranger. As she came closer, the other girl looks up with a bemused smile when she realizes the stunning, tall, yet unknown girl was making a beeline for her.

"Hello, I'm Karlie. I'm new to town." She breezes with a smile and extends her hand.
"Hi there, it's nice to meet you! I am Cara. How are you liking it here so far?" The shorter girl inquired with excitement at meeting the new girl everyone had been talking about.

"I don't really know yet, but I've met some pretty great people so I guess I like it quite a lot." Karlie smiled fondly at the thought of Taylor...

"Oh really? Well that's fantastic! Who've you met already?" Cara noticed the smile and her curiosity got the best of her.

"Ed and Taylor." The way she said Taylor, not realizing the strange grin that grew as she sighed out the other girls name, set off alarms in the blondes head.
"Oh yeah? Those two are lovely, they'd be quite a cute couple..." Cara comments nonchalantly with a smirk.

"...if she wasn't gay."


"Hey there's Karlie! Come on Tay." Ed dragged the blonde behind him by the hand as he excitedly approached Karlie, accompanied by cheer's co-captain, Cara Delevingne. Karlie looked impossibly beautiful and Taylor's mouth went dry. Get it together Tay.

"Well speak of the devil! It's my favorite ginger and his trusty sidekick!" Cara joked as the two approached, Tay rolled her eyes in good nature and Ed chuckled before embracing the spunky blonde briefly. Her mother was English and her father was Ed's adopted fathers cousin. Not being the only one who talked different in the small town really brought the two together, but over the summer they grew apart. Maybe it was because Taylor and Dianna, their respective best friends, had also grown apart....

Karlie was still in shock from Cara's comment about Taylor.  So I have a chance? ...Wait, what? No. You promised her. You promised not to forget her.... Karlie was so lost in here head at the moment that she didn't even realize she was being embraced until she reciprocated at the last second.

"Hey Tay, hello Ed. You both look phenomenal!" She recovered, placing her previous thoughts and emotions in the back of her mind for now. As expected she was especially stunned by how beautiful Taylor looked. Hipster attire and her adorable grin melted the taller girls heart. Get it together Kloss...

"You don't look too bad yourself, love." Tay comments with a wink before going over to the punch bowl to get some "mixed drinks".


Time to let loose... Taylor has had several fruity drinks that has her feeling one with the cool sand beneath her bare feet, and the starry sky above. She felt like she was on top of the highest peak and at the molten center of the earth at the same time as she watched Karlie sway to the vapor wave synth beats flowing in the cool night air.
The bonfire illuminated her face in the most flattering ways, her cheekbones and jawline highlighted perfectly with the contrast of the shadows the fire light castes. Her green eyes seemed to be glowing. Once Taylor finally worked up the courage to approach the magnetic goddess, she was lightly tapped on the shoulder.

"Hey Tay...how have you been?"

Dianna. Suddenly overwhelmed with God knows what, maybe just the unknown liquids she consumed generously, Taylor began to cry as she pulled Di in for a bone crushing embrace.


Definitely not what the shorter girl had in mind, but she was thankful nonetheless. Taylor was definitely wasted. Maybe this will make everything easier...

"So, good I assume?" Di chuckled after Taylor finally reduced to tiny sniffles and slowly released her. Good thing she had on water proof makeup. She giggled and Di's heart stopped. Keep it together, she's drunk.

"Ha yeah, we could go with that. I've...just missed you. You stopped talking to me all of a sudden...did I do something? Because if so I am so so so sorry and I just want to fix things with us because this sucks and you are my best friend and I love you and--" Di placed a finger over Taylor's lips to stop her broken rambling. She sounded so fragile, and almost sober. Di could only hope Taylor won't forget this night too.

"Don't apologize. Please. That was all me. I'm a dummy remember?" Di placed her hands on her friends arms and mindlessly rubbed circles with her thumbs as comfort for the distressed girl. Taylor's crystal blue eyes were glassy as she let a small smile occupy her face. You're pretty when you cry.

"Okay. You wanna go swim? I think I've cried enough alcohol and whatever else out of my system. And the water looks inviting..." Taylor suggests before stripping out of her blouse. She fumbled with the buttons, and being brave, Dianna decided to help. Taylor just looked up in wonder at the other blonde, the ghost of a smile on her lips.

Deciding that being that close to Taylor any longer and her heart might explode, Di took a step back after undoing the final button, and started to remove her party clothes. Luckily both of them had their bikinis on underneath.


Well there goes my chance... Karlie notes to herself as she takes three shots to drown out the sight of Taylor entering the water hand in hand with a very pretty blonde. The same one she just witnessed helping Taylor undress. Grimacing at the taste and image, Karlie went to find Ed, knowing from vaguely recalled texts saying that he could be her DD.

AUTHORS NOOT :3 ////hallo there beauties! Sorry for the wait, and I hope this is as great to read as it is to write!

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