What Happens In Theatre...

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Author's Note: Okay....it's been 5ever since I've updated. Please forgive me. It is summer, so maybe I can find time to update more. I'm a hella busy person, but this was a commitment that I willingly took so I need to try harder for you guys. Hopefully my writing isn't as bad as I think it is. Enjoy?

Ed dropped Karlie off to her last class of the day: Theatre. "Good luck in there my little amazon!" He called back after ruffling her hair. he took off to Music Comp. She just hoped that there would be someone that she knew in the class, because although making friends wasn't really a problem for her, she enjoyed the group that she already sort of established herself in. They were all hilarious and they accepted her immediately. Karlie entered the auditorium in The Canvas with her bag hanging on one shoulder, and an air of relief when she spotted Cara bobbing her head in laughter. She was talking to two blondes near the front of the stage, but their backs were to the brunette so she just continued over to them to possibly join in the conversation.

"Yeah I heard that there will be some sex scenes in the fall show--KARLIE!!! You sexy giraffe, get your ass over here!" The Brit grinned wildly as Karlie joined the spot beside her, not yet acknowledging the other two girls. "Hey Cara," Karlie chuckled at the girls excitement. She was like a ball of adrenaline. They embraced in a quick side hug, and the taller senior turned her attention to the two blondes with a polite smile, only to find that its Taylor and Dianna. The greeting she had prepared died on the tip of her tongue.

"Karlie." Breathless, that was all Taylor could get out. She felt like everything she ever knew disappeared as soon as her blue eyes locked on Karlie's expressive green eyes. No other words were formulated as she was trapped under the brunettes shocked stare.

"Taylor..." Karlie wanted to run. She wanted to run out of the theater and find Ed, he would know what to do. She thought she was ready to face the blonde but now that she's here, Karlie just wants to be somewhere else.

Cara decided that their staring contest was becoming rather lengthy. Although she did love the serious tension  those two had, Dianna began getting fidgety like she does when she's uncomfortable. Cara cleared her throat loudly and the two taller girls snapped out of their trances, both with a slight redness to their faces. The Brit had to suppress a giggle at their adorableness.

"So I know that you two obviously know each other," Cara nudged Karlie knowingly, adding to the girls embarrassment with a smirk. "Karlie this is Dianna. Di, this is Karlie. She's new!" Cara introduced her friends enthusiastically, completely unaffected by the awkward tension in the air between the two green eyed girls.

"Uh, hi?" Dianna offered, still apprehensive as Karlie's steely gaze landed on her. Before Karlie could even respond, their attention was called to the stage by a slightly hoarse voice. Everyone in the auditorium turned their attention to a hyper man with a dark goatee, and a neat pony tail. He was bouncing with every syllable.

"Hello kids, I am Lin. You don't have to be too formal with me so don't worry about all of that! A little background, I am a playwright and lyricist. My dream was originally to have my musicals selling out every night on Broadway, but later on in life I realized that teaching was my true calling. I find it exciting that such young people like yourself are interested in theatre, and I hope to nurture that curiosity into a passion that will drive you to accomplish things that I could only dream of. Enough of that though, its time for icebreakers! And what better way to get past all of the awkwardness of meeting new people than KISSING SCENES!"

Cara had a wicked grin on her face, eerily similar to Lin's as he began pairing random people together.


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