First Day.

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Authors NOOT: to compensate for how long you all had to wait for this update, this chapter is a bit longer than usual! I hope it is worth the wait, enjoy ❤️

The summer finally came to an end. Karlie hasn't really seen or spoken to Taylor since the party, but Ed keeps her updated whenever they're at work. He convinced his dad to give her a job since he was the only employee of the store and could use some extra help.

"How's Taylor?" She'd casually ask while they munch on fries during lunch hour. Ed never failed to get ketchup on his working khakis. "Goff fammit--" he swears through a mouthful as he takes a greasy napkin to the glossy red stain. It takes a moment for the question to register to Ed. He looks up at Karlie slowly, forcing down the food in his mouth and places the napkin in the crumpled brown paper bag.

"She's uh...well." He couldn't keep eye contact with Karlie for me than a few seconds, being painfully aware of the hurt in those green eyes staring through him. She never said it outright, but he could tell that the brunette obviously felt something towards his best friend. He would be blind not to notice. Karlie would constantly ask about the blonde, and always conveniently have "errands to run" or "check in on her sisters" whenever Taylor came around, with Dianna in tow. And the looks she gave Di. No malice or hatred, but something much worse. She looks helpless, like a kicked puppy left out in the rain. Like she could never compete with her.

"That's good to hear." She would always force out with a halfhearted smile, then rush off to "sweep up some sawdust" or "organize the swatches". Karlie refuses to talk about how she feels constantly and won't stop hiding behind the endless excuses. It was becoming unbearable for Ed to see his friend like this.

"Karlie..." He warned in a knowing tone before she could fully stand from the table to escape. She spared him a glance and immediately regretted it.

"I don't need your pity Ed." She started stubbornly. He placed a hand over her's and she sat down with a defeated sigh.

"Talk to me please. Ever since the party you haven't been your normal sunshiny self, and I think I know why..." He stated simply, not accusingly. At the thought of what she witnessed that night, her heart skipped a beat.

"I'm sorry Ed. I haven't been fully honest with you. It's just that--I think I may like Taylor. More than a...uh...friend." She looked down, struggling to keep her voice steady. She barely knew this girl, has only spoken to her a handful of times...she didn't even know Taylor. So why does it feel like the world stops turning when she looks at her?

"Karlie, I knew that from the first day I introduced you too. The way you look at her--makes me want to write a damn song! That look says: she's your moon and you're the tide that's constantly being drawn in by her like magnets or something." And Ed put her feelings into the perfect words.

"And if it makes you feel better, Tay and Dianna aren't dating. They just...haven't spoken in a while. They were really close before, more so than Taylor and Me. And Di is a little bit possessive...but as far as I know, there's nothing there." Karlie didn't know that this was only partially true, but that's okay because now she looks slightly less hopeless. She even looks up at him.

"Well now I feel stupid....she probably hates me now for avoiding her. I'm an idiot." Karlie laughs weakly. Ed gives her a small smile. "I doubt it but there's only one way to find out..."

"You look fantastic..." Di gives Taylor the same starry eyed look she's been dishing out since the morning after the party. Tay suggested they get ready together for their first day of senior year. Di accepted with no hesitation.

They both crashed at the Agron Manor, and nursed their hangovers and to Dianna's pleasant surprise, Taylor didn't forget that night. But Di was unsettled by the fact that she wouldn't talk about it either. They have been inseparable since that night, almost completely back to normal. Almost. There was still something bugging her.

"Taylor...who is that girl that Ed is always with?" She wanted to say "that always leaves when we come around and looks at me like I kicked in her sandcastle" but she held her tongue. She wanted so badly to hear that she was just someone Ed was into or going with. She wanted her unease to dispel.  Taylor's response had the opposite effect.

"She's a...friend of mine--ours--Ed and I. K-Karlie, she's uh new to town. Well I hope we're friends..." Taylor really wasn't sure anymore. Maybe she'll get a chance to talk to her at school today.

"Oh." Is all Di said on the matter, and Taylor didn't notice because thoughts of why the brunette would be avoiding began to plague her thoughts.

They left soon after, Taylor's outfit looked like it came straight out of Cher's closet in Clueless.

She had on a red flannel skirt that stopped mid thigh and a solid red vest with a kitten embroidered on a pocket, over a white collared blouse. She had on white stockings and polished black converse. She also had her long hair pushed back by a matching red flannel headband with her hair straightened into a silky waterfall down her back. Oh and her signature red lipstick.

Di was wearing a navy blue skirt that stopped well above her knees, and a white Peter Pan collar sheer blouse tucked in with a skinny light brown leather belt hugging her waist. She had on white knee socks showcasing her sculpted legs, perfected by years of track and cheer. To add a flair to today's look, Di slipped on some navy blue vintage oxfords. She tied her hair back with a ribbon. She was finally satisfied with her appearance when Taylor joked that she pulled off the sexy colonial schoolgirl look. The nude lipstick she applied, along with minimal makeup, left her feeling confident and fresh faced.


Ed excitedly drove Karlie to the school in his truck, a cappuccino colored '51 Chevy pickup. He was ready for his schedule and to give Karlie a tour of his stomping grounds. Skywalker High is pretty well funded for such a small town, and is full of extracurriculars. Every sport imaginable, clubs ranging from baking to A Capella. Hell they even offer a quidditch team! By the end of the day Ed is making it his goal to get Karlie established in as many groups as possible, it's the best way to meet new people and make friends. 

They arrive in the steadily filling student parking area with 20 minutes left before first bell, so Ed rushes them along to pick up their schedules so that Karlie can have a chance to become familiar with the route.

"Here you both go. I trust that Mr. Sheeran here will show you around, yes?" The head counselor Ms. De Rossi inquired. "Yes ma'am." They sang in unison before thanking the older woman and rushing to their shared 1st period, 3 minutes left before the bell. The line was longer than expected so Ed will have to wait until morning break for the tour, which will be 30 minutes free before second period.

They bustled into the class, and Karlie was relieved to see familiar faces. Cara was sitting in the back next to a very beautiful dark girl who was throwing her head back in laughter. They made eye contact and the dirty blonde is soon beckoning them over with a smile.

"Long time no see! By the way you both are total babes!" Cara exclaims with a sly grin and the girl next to her playfully shoves her shoulder.

"Jourdan, this is Karlie Kloss. Karlie, this is the other half of Double D, the infamous Jourdan Dunn Dunn Dunnnn!!!" Cara proclaimed dramatically, cracking herself up, and snorting in laughter. Jourdan just shook her head with a smile, and Ed was in stitches with his face as red as his hair.

Karlie extended her hand with a giggle at the shorter girl's antics. "It's a delight to meet you, Karlie." Jourdan initiated with a surprising British drawl.

Even as more students were filing in, Karlie was almost satisfied with her new group of potential best friends. Almost.


AUTHORS NOOOOTEE: part two coming soon to a theater near youuuuu (hehehe cliffhanger)

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