Such A Long First Day

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Authors NOOT: hey yeah so I meant to update this a while ago but I've been sick as frick (|-/) so yeah I'm good now and I hope you enjoy this update as much as I enjoyed writing it!!!

"That will be the agenda for this class, everyone bring back your syllabus signed by you and your guardian. The bell should be ringing soon so pack away your things and as long as you don't get too loud, you all can be social." The teacher concluded. Mr. Ionesco was pretty lenient, but tended to go on tangents, which Karlie would have to adjust to. It took him the entire class period to review the class syllabus, but he promised that tomorrow would be a work day.

"So sweet cheeks, what class do you have next?" Cara questioned vaguely as they huddled in their corner of the class. Ed was turned around in his chair like you see in cop shows, and Karlie was sitting atop the desk table in an almost zazen style.

"Oh well I have trig--"

"Not you, gingy!" Cara interrupted Ed as he started to answer. Jourdan and Karlie broke into a fit of laughter once more at his expense, and Ed turned redder.

"I was talking to our girl Karlos over here, the designated babe and giraffe of our clique!" Cara smirked while gesturing fluidly down Kars body.

Karlie was adorned in black skinny jeans with rips from the thighs down to the ankles just about. Underneath were some fashionable fishnets, and her shoes were low cut maroon converse. She wore a maroon and gold Gryffindor jersey tee that was snug enough to display her cut abs. She also added some gold faux-gauge tapers. Karlie's hair was up in a well done (Dunn) messy bun (hehe that rhymed).

Karlie shook her head and blushed as Jourdan shoved Cara jokingly and scolded her for 'shaming the poor girl' and briefly dismissing the clique label.

"SHAMING HER?? Have you seen that face?? Have you not glanced upon the blessing that is Karlie Kloss' cheekbones??? And that bod. Don't even get me started on this mega babe, you won't be able to shut me up!" Cara laughed.

"We can't seem to do that anyway..." Ed comments quietly with a snicker before being popped in the head by Jourdan.

Authors NOOT: this is all I came up with before giving up in frustration. I'm going to eat some grapes and read Lolita then try again later  :/  gimme a couple hours

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