Arts School?

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Authors NOOT: just a heads up, if you dislike Chlamydia Headache with Taylor, part of this chapter will be cringey af. Oh and if you like Swiftgron then you are welcome in advance, its not too much but i was feeling it so yeah. And kaylor shippers...bear with me I gotchu, just not rn, but hey to compensate, i have some nicceee klossy/sheerio (platonic) moments <3 love the love and I hope you enjoy! OH SERIOUS CHANGE IN PLOT: i was planning on being cliche and having toni be in this story as the girl who texted karlie, but now I don't really feel that, plus it makes putting out more chapters harder for me. So by the time this is posted, I will have gone back and removed that part from chapter 5. But there will be a surprise special guest to stir the pot a little down the line ;)

Ed kept good on his promise of giving Karlie a tour of the school. Although she wasn't expecting the first stop to be to the vending machines, she wasn't complaining. Just as she assumed, he was a Skittles and Diet Coke kind of guy. She settled for a pack of mini Oreos and a SmartWater.

"O-KK, hehe get it? Because of your initials? You know, instead of OK......and i'll just shut up now....So first up is the canteen, consistent quality, grade A, first-lady-approved, slop everyday. Never fails. I honestly suggest bringing your own food if you want to live to see graduation. Those vending machines have been the greatest investment of my entire high school carreer. Seriously, I've put so much into those damn machines, they should sponsor me..." Ed rambled between mouthfuls of skittles (he bought three packs), which caused the brunette to giggle uncontrollably. He was truly something else.

"Duely noted, captain. Hey what's that building over there?" Karlie inquired as they made their way past the outside lunch area and into the main courtyard. There was a two-story pastel pink brick building with white bolded letters scrawled across the wall, along with various stenciled graffiti pieces. The mural read: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK and for some reason, that made the mysterious buliding even more captivating to the senior. She was in awe of all the quotes and art covering the wall as they approached the building. There was even an entire square foot space that consisted of a binary sequence. Karlie's heart swelled at the thought of the school, in such a remote town, to offer a coding class. It was one of her many passions after all.

Ed grinned as he watched the excitement build in his friend. "Go see for yourself." He encouraged with a genuine smile, and she picked up her pace and skipped towards the white four-paned door (that had a cute little bell on the doorknob that made Karlie giddy, just so you know) and braced herself for the mysteries behind the beautiful exterior.


Thank the good lord Sondheim, Taylor had Selena in her first class. It was a music composition class, one of the many electives Tay signed up for this year. Her and Sel both wanted to make a name for themselves in the music world. The two actually became friends through band, and both quit to join the musical theatre class. Taylor wrote and performed any given opportunity. She has won the talent show every year since freshman year, with Selena always runnerup. No one ever stood a chance. Selena swore up and down that she would finally beat her friend out of first, radiating confidence, but taylor just laughed it off.

Unlike literally every other class, the instructer, Mr. Schuester, has already assigned a project.

"I want you all to co-write a duet with a classmate," Then he gets this mischievous grin, "And, find a way to incorporate the talents of someone outside of this class.....with zero musical background." He finishes triumphantly as a majority of the class audibly groans at the task at hand.

Whoop, there it is.


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