Cool For The Summer (2)

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Author's noot: Thanks for reading, and enjoy!

The only unpaired person in the pool was none other: Karlie Kloss.

"Come on Tay, I won't bite. Besides, what better way for me to lose the 'new girl' title than to be known as the girl who beat the self-proclaimed chicken champions!" Karlie had a point. Taylor is simply helping Karlie to mesh with their friends. Just being a good friend. So what, she'll be sitting on Karlie's sturdy model shoulders and she'll have her hands supporting Taylor's thighs. No biggie.

RIP me.

Taylor muttered an affirmation and made her way to the pool trying to pretend that she wasn't completely overwhelmed with nerves. Be cool, it's just a game. As Taylor took her first steps down into the cool water, she didn't even blink at the temperature because her face was hot enough to distract her from it. Karlie went ahead to meet her at the steps, and in one motion Karlie placed Taylor onto her shoulders with surprising strength. Annnddd that wasn't helping Taylor much, the blonde was convinced her blush was definitely visible now. Maybe she can blame it on the summer heat.

Karlie moved back closer to the rest of the group, Ed and Ruby already trying intimidation tactics by making silly faces and Ed managed a pretty decent howl for effect.

"Ooo I'm so scared." Karlie deadpanned. "Let's get this started. On my count. 3.....2....1 GO!"

Ed comes thrashing forward with Selena shoving her arms out only to be met with Taylor's own hands. They grapple for a few seconds before Ruby comes crashing through and Cara tried to push both of her opponents at once, but Karlie saw it coming and jumps back but wraps her arms around Taylor's legs tightly to keep her from falling.  Jourdan and Jess's attention peaked and they began spectating. Karlie sees an opening when Cara was facing away from them. She taps Taylor's leg and the blonde understands. The brunette edges closer until they were close enough to blitz the pair. Ruby heard faint movement of water behind her and reacted a sec too late as she feels the impact of  Taylor shoving Cara from her shoulders. It was like a slow motion action scene, the dirty blonde was all flailing limbs and obscenities as she crashed beneath the surface.

She popped up with her hair darker and covering her face. Everyone was waiting for her to say something as she slowly waded towards Karlie. That made her nervous.

"Truce?" The brunette offered sheepishly. Okay maybe she felt a little bad for sneaking up on Cara like that, but this is war and Taylor is her only ally.

Cara looked like she was about to say something but instead she shot water out of her mouth and splashed Karlie before swimming away towards the pools exit, laughing hysterically at the look of pure shock on her face. She climbed out and got well out of reach, still laughing as received her towel from Jourdan, who was trying and failing to contain her own laughter.

"You little shit! And to think I felt bad for a second! As soon as we beat Ed and Selena, you are dead!" And with that, Karlie decided not to wait to charge Ed. The ginger was caught off guard and almost ran in the other direction but Selena wasn't backing down.

"Taylor, you and baby giraffe over there are going down, literally!" And she lunged forward wrapping her arms around Taylor's shoulders, while the blonde tried to maintain her balance but she knew she had to somehow get her friend to lose her own balance. She had an idea.

"Karlie, hold on tight, we are about to win this!!!" And a blitzkrieg of tickling was all it took to get Selena to literally leap backwards and crash into the water. Trouble was, Ed was still holding onto her legs and so he flew back with her and they both went down. Taylor climbed down and her and Karlie began splashing and cheering in celebration, Jourdan and Jess joining in, and the drenched blonde Brit actually snorted and shot them a thumbs up.

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