Cool For The Summer (1)

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author's newt: sooooo i didn't expect anyone to still read this. it's been many a fortnight, my friends. don't feel like giving excuses for not updating in almost a year, so if you're still here, enjoy! This is a very kaylor centric chapter (you're welcome)

Karlie hurried around her room grabbing everything she would need for tonight, meanwhile leaving Taylor to look around.

The walls were painted black, but the constellations that covered every surface made it a cosmic scene. A large circular bed stood in the middle of the spacious universe. The comforter matched the wallpaper, but it was velvet black with dark satin sheets. And to tie it all back to Karlie, there was a Cookie Monster thrown in the mix of comfortable looking pillows. On the walls there were more neon signs, filling the room with a calming hum, and ranging from a Coke logo to a dazzling neon Marilyn Monroe. Above Karlie's bed there was a glowing white sign that read "KLOSS". In one corner of the room there was a crowded bookshelf, full of baking cookbooks and what seemed like J.K. Rowling's complete works. In another corner stood 3 crates full of vinyl records. Finally, along the back wall was the opening to the brunette's seemingly endless closet. Racks upon racks of shoes and clothing can be seen from Taylor's position, which is completely slack-jawed at the entrance of the room.

Taylor closed her mouth just in time to see Karlie emerging from her Amazonian closet. She had her backpack slung over her shoulder and a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Want to see something cool?" She asked coolly, noting the look on of amazement on Taylor's face. Taylor nodded instantly and watched the taller girl cross over the the light switch beside her. With on flick the entire atmosphere changed. Taylor hadn't noticed that the ceiling was covered in reflective tiles, like someone unraveled a dozen disco balls and put the up there. Or the fact that the colorful floor was comprised of LED panels. The room was instantly engulfed in color and movement and Karlie just grinned at Taylor's jaw dropping again.


As soon as Karlie had everything she needed they headed out. The drive to Taylor's was quiet, but not uncomfortable. When they pulled into the gravel driveway, they were greeted by Cara, Jourdan, a pretty girl with long dark hair, a gorgeous girl with short blue hair and from what Karlie could tell, a helluva lot of tattoos. Next to her was a really pretty girl with deep blue eyes and high cheekbones.They were all chilling on Ed's tailgate, with the ginger sitting in the driver's seat with his feet dangling out the door.  And Taylor held true to her promise: no Dianna. This will be eventful.

Taylor parked and they hopped out to meet everyone. Karlie walked ahead confidently and much to everyone's amusement, Cara jumped onto the taller girl's back.

"Karrrlooossss what took you so long? Never mind that, the party has arrived!" Cara whined playfully.

Karlie just shook her head laughing and decided to start spinning around with the wild blond on her back, who was pretending to lasso in Jourdan, but she just chuckled and walked through the newly unlocked front door.

"Sorry for taking so long, you guys weren't waiting too long were you? I went ahead and ordered everyone's favorites to compensate. I am sooooo sor--"

"TAYLOR! Chill, you're good, we literally got here just before you." The blue haired girl said coolly, moving forward to briefly embrace the rambling girl. Taylor let out a sigh of relief as they all settled into her living room until she remembered Karlie's presence. She just entered, depositing a giggling Cara unceremoniously onto Jourdan's lap, and then opts to sit on the floor next Ed.

Nothing Like A Small Town (girlxgirl) - KaylorDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora