Family Matters - 03

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Judan Ace

told in third person

" Mama! " Judan yelled, as he walked inside.

Chresanto laid across his bed, teary eyed and stressed out. Jacob had been coming home late from work every night, and Chresanto couldn't help but feel as if he was cheating on him. He leaves early in the morning, and doesn't come home, until about four in the morning. Their were also weird things happening with Chresanto's body, and he couldn't talk to Jacob about it, since he was always out and about.

Hearing footsteps coming up the stairs, he quickly wiped away his tears, and sat up, making himself look a bit more presentable.

" Hey baby, what'd you need? " Chresanto asked him, his voice cracking and his eyes bloodshot Red.

Judan immediately knew his mom was crying and he hated seeing him like this. He knew what his dad was doing, and how he always came in late night -- he heard him sneaking in a few times but never thought to much of it. Sighing, he sat down beside Chresanto and wrapped his arm around his shoulder.

" Why you cryin' mama? " Judan asked, already feeling some way.

He didn't like seeing any of his family sad or hurt. He didn't want to admit, but it made him a bit emotional. Especially seeing his mom hurt -- Chresanto meant the world to him.

" Nothing. I'm alright don't worry about me baby. " Chresanto smiled, it hurt but he'd never want his children seeing him crying or any type of pain.

" It's dad isn't it? " Judan asked, ignoring everything his mom said.

Chresanto sighed but nodded his head. " It's alright, he's just been working more, but were fine don't worry. "

Judan shook his head. He hated how nieve Chresanto was being. Anyone could see that Jacob wasn't working the type of job, that Chresanto thought he was. Every since Jacob's dad came into his life years ago -- he's been working for him. And it began when the triplets had just turned a year old. He was bringing in a good amount of money when he was working his two jobs, years ago, but going on a job with his dad one time - it changed everything. He then wanted to bring in that type of money for his family, and that's where it began.

Jacob spoils his children rotten, especially his daughters. They don't have all the designer clothes, and shoes because he's working a regular job -- and soon, Judan hoped Chresanto would realize that.

" Well. " Judan sighed. " I just came in to let you know ima be out for a few hours. If you need me, just call me. "

Chresanto nodded his head. Standing up, Judan leaned down and kissed Chresanto's forehead -- walking out, he headed downstairs, and into the car that Jacob got him for his 16th birthday -- in fact they all had gotten cars when they were of age.


Stepping out of his car, Judan headed up the stairs, that belonged to no other than Ricardo Luis. Since Judan was on the football team he had to keep his grades up -- seeing as he was failing English & Math, he was assigned a tutor. He'd only seen Ricardo around school a few times, they never really held any conversation. To be honest, Judan was only here because it was affecting his football, and he wasn't letting anything get in the way of his career. Finding out Ricardo was going to be his tutor, they exchanged numbers, and decided they would meet up every Mon, Tue, & Thurs. Days Judan wasn't practicing, and definitely not the weekend, he had plans and bitches to fuck'.

" Wassup, let's get this over and done wit'. " Judan said, as Ricardo opened the door and let him in.

Following Ricardo into the living room, Judan eyed him up and down. It was no secret that Ricardo was gay, the way he dressed told it, how he only hung around females, and that ass wasn't the normal size ass, that a man would have. It was wide, and phat. Him being gay didn't bother Judan though -- not any gays bothered him, in his eyes everyone should be themselves and be happy. After all his mom was born a hermaphrodite, and he'd kill anyone who dared made fun of her.

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