Family Matters - 09

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This chapter wasn't supposed to be until chap 10, but things changed. Chapter 10 though, will be posted later on tonight -- it's half finished. Heads up, y'all will hate me for what I did next chap Lol. That's all I'm going to say, y'all enjoy.

Princess Love ❤

Walking through the mall with Brooklyn, she and Princess shared a few laughs and talked. They had both been super stressed lately, going through the norm which was keeping up with school, possibly boy issues, and definitely family problems. Seeing as they both loved shopping and today happened to be a week day -- they decided to so something they both enjoyed and that was shopping.

" So what's been up? " Brooklyn asked, as they both walked into shoe store Jimmy Jazz.

" Same ol' bullshit. " She murmured. " I have a pregnant, mean hormonal mom. A dad who ups and disappears -- leaving his family. Two brothers who are both distant, not caring about anyone but themselves. And a sister who only gives a damn about a boy who she'll never have a chance with. On top of that I can't stop thinking about my stupid ass ex boyfriend, who slept with my cousin. Other than that I am amazing. "

Princess hadn't realized that she had begun to cry. These past few days had been stressful for her. In her eyes it had seemed as if her once perfect life had gone down the drain. She was a daddy's girl, and not having Jacob around had been hard on her. He didn't respond to any calls, only texted back -- if only he knew that wasn't enough. She felt neglected by both Jacob and Chresanto -- Chresanto because he'd been so focused on trying to forget about Jacob, and putting his attention on their newborn, he ended up forgetting about his other four children. Not intentionally and he hadn't even noticed he was doing it.

It had only been a week since Jacob leaving, but he hadn't even realized how his absence affected his family.

" Aw honey don't cry. It'll be alright, don't get yourself worked up for nothing. Parents go through their ups and downs -- he'll be back in no time I promise. I hate seeing you so emotional, it's weird because you never cry. " Brooklyn said, as she pulled Princess in a well needed best friend hug.

It was true. Princess never cried and always held things in -- Brooklyn being the same way, and that's how they had become so close. They both were angry inside and hurt -- covering it up by being bossy, bitchy, conceited, mean, and everything else you could think of. It wasn't healthy and soon they'd realize that, because everyone had their breaking points.


Princess walked up the steps, her heart beating faster with each step because she didn't know what to expect. After doing some shopping with Brooklyn and hearing what her best friend had to say -- she was actually going to take her advice. She called up her brother Prince and begged him to give her their fathers address -- he was the only one who knew it. After a lot of arguing and some tears from Princess, he finally caved in and she couldn't be more happy and nervous at the same time.

Instead of calling and texting, she wanted to see her father face to face. In all her years of living, this happened to be the longest she went without speaking to him. Her being a true daddy's girl, it really got to her. She at least wanted to know if he was alright -- seeing how Chresanto had been acting she didn't know whether to expect the same or not.

Seeing his car parked in the driveway, at least let her know he was home. She knocked on the door and patiently waited for him to answer. She didn't know what to expect and that alone made her want to jump back into her car and go home, but her feet wouldn't move. Hearing the chain's unlock on the door, she expected to see Jacob' face -- instead she was met with a tall blonde, who stared at her as if she was a walking disease.

Princess eyebrows immediately furrowed -- mentally cursing Prince out for giving her the wrong address. She was soon to apologize, until she heard a familiar voice scream in anger.

" What the fuck did I tell yo' ass about opening my shit. " Jacob asked, in anger -- not even realizing his teenage daughter on the doorstep.

Princess watched as he yanked the blondes arm into a different direction of the small apartment, her yelps soon fading.

" Dad! " Princess yelled, finally getting his attention.

" Princess? What are you doing here? How did you know to come here? " He asked every question back to back.

She looked him up and down. His curly hair, straightened bone straight. Alcohol on his breath. Eyes bloodshot Red. His hands shook -- she had no reason why. And a white substance on the top of his nose. She was young but it didn't take a genius to know he was drinking and doing drugs. He looked so different, much skinnier than he was before. Love marks covered his chest and neck area, Chresanto obviously not being the person to have left them there.

She was shocked, confused, and disgusted.

" I guess I caught you at a bad time. " She mumbled, biting down on her bottom lip to keep from crying.

If their was one thing she hated, it had to be crying in front of people. Showing them your weak and vulnerable side was something she disliked doing.

" N - no baby girl. Come in. Come in. " He said, reaching out to grab her hand, causing Princess to jerk back. His expression held hurt but at the moment she didn't care -- she was hurt, and he didn't give a damn.

" I just want you to come back home daddy, that's all. " She whispered. " I just wanted to see how you were doing -- make sure you were okay. I got my answer though. " She slowly made her way down the steps of his apartment.

" Princess wait. " Jacob yelled, tears brimming his eyes, knowing he had just screwed up.

He had let his daughter see him at his weakness. He was supposed to make his daughter smile and be happy -- kicking guy's ass who broke her heart and made her cry. Sadly he had just became one of those guy's.

" I love you daddy. " Princess cried, before rushing to get car and speeding off.

This was short y'all I know, but chapter 10 later on. How was it? Didn't proofread. Vote and maybe comment? Lol hope y'all enjoyed.

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