Family Matters - 08

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If any of you are confused on which kid is who, please don't be afraid to let me know. Or simply just go back to the very first chapter. I hope y'all enjoy this chapter, it's a lil' filler, but I made it as good as possible. ♡

Daniel Simmons.

It's been years -- eighteen years, since Daniel had last seen Harold. Opening up his front door, and seeing the man who just up and left him behind to raise two children -- it struck a whole lot of emotions. He was sad, angry, happy, confused. He had so many unanswered questions, he now had to explain who he was to their children, he now had to explain to Na'veyah that he wasn't her biological father -- how was he going to tell her, that she had a mother out their somewhere. In minutes, his life had went from good to possibly horrible. He missed Harold, but him possibly showing up, may have ruined some things -- like his relationship with Neon for example.

" Father. " Cairo said, in a harsh tone. " So your the one who left dad to raise us years ago? Typical. "

" Cairo. " Daniel said, in a warning tone.

Daniel knew his kids would be upset with Harold just popping up, but he was their father and he needed to be in their lives. Every child needs their father in their life -- especially Cairo and Na'veyah.

" Don't Cairo me dad. " He yelled in anger. " Who the fuck' leaves their children and then comes back almost 18 years later? I'm good. Na' veyah might want somethin' to do with you, but I'll pass. "

He stomped his way out of the kitchen and up the stairs to his bedroom, seconds later his door was heard being slammed. Being his parent Daniel wanted to rush up and comfort him, make him feel better -- well in this situation their wasn't any feeling better any time soon.

" I think you should leave Harold. " Daniel said. " Please. " He was so close to pleading.

He was soon to respond, until Na'veyah cut him off. Sadly, after Cairo' meltdown, both parents hadn't even realized she was still standing there.

" Where have you been? Why did you leave us? " Na'veyah mumbled.

Unlike Cairo, Na'veyah actually became happy at the fact of seeing her father, whom she'd never met until about a minute ago. She always knew Neon wasn't her biological father, Daniel made sure both his children knew that from the beginning. They always wondered and Daniel told them the same exact answer every time.

'Daddy's working. Just know that he loves you.'

It left them wondering, but they never questioned, his answer being good enough for them both.

" I fucked' up babygirl, and I left the person who meant so much to me, to raise our children alone. Ain't' much I could say to make this situation better but, I'm here now. And if you'll let me, I wan' make up for that missed time. " Harold sincerely, said.

She shook her head no. Of course she wanted to give her father another chance, because everyone makes mistakes including her. But, nonetheless in the back of her mind, she couldn't help but wonder.

What if he left again?

" I have to think about it. " And with that, she'd left out of the kitchen area, and upstairs to check on her older brother. She just had to make sure that he was okay.


" No. Don't touch me. You fuckin' leave me alone and pregnant for 18 years, and then you appear all of a sudden. I moved on and I have a family now. You can't just come back when it's convenient for you Harold. " Daniel cried.

No calls. Texts. Harold just left him, and left Daniel with no knowledge of his whereabouts. He didn't know if he was okay. Had he moved on. They chatted maybe 3, 4, times in the beginning, but after that they lost touch with one another. He was in labor with his parents, siblings and Neon, instead of with the man who knocked him up in the beginning. And not even days after, he was home with two, newborn crying babies, who depended on him.

" I'm sorry. I'm fuckin' sorry, I never wanted to leave you, but it was either my life or yours, and I choose you. I needed you and my babies to be safe Daniel. I loved you, I woulda' never left your side willingly -- you kno' that baby boy. I never stopped lovin' you. I just need anotha' chance to finally be in y'all life. Let me be the father that you kno' I could be. Let me be here for you babe. " Harold pleaded.

" It's not that easy. " Daniel cried.
" They aren't babies, they're almost eighteen years old. They're upset, they have questions they need answered. You didn't only leave me, you left them as well. Na'veyah might be forgiving -- but Cairo isn't easily persuaded. I wanted you so bad years ago, I cried and cried every night for you to come back but you didn't. I moved on Harold. I'm with someone who loves me, and he isn't going to leave. You waited -- just to long. "

Harold being Harold, he'd already known Daniel had moved on. He might not have stayed in contact how he should have, but that didn't mean he didn't have people watching out for Daniel and his babies. He didn't expect for Daniel to fall in love with someone else, he thought he'd atleast wait -- but, he was definitely mistaken. He wasn't as mad as he could have, because he'd fucked' around with a few people as well, only difference is, he didn't fall in love with them. This was his chance though, to get his family back -- he didn't have any hard feelings toward Neon, but in his head, it was time he go.

After all, this was his family to begin.


" How you feelin'? " Na'veyah asked, Cairo as she sat on the end of his bed.
He sighed. " What'd you think. Seeing your father for the first time in almost, eighteen years -- how do you feel? "

She shrugged her shoulders.

" I mean, this is something I've always wanted. I always wanted to meet our dad, Neon was okay -- but, we never had that father/daughter relationship that I wanted. He's here now and we should forgive him and give him a chance. It's only right. "

" And what if he leaves again? Then what -- we'd just opened up to him, jus' for him to leave us once again. I won't get hurt, I'm tired of people hurtin' me. I'm so over all this bullshit. " Cairo cried, into his pillow.

He was hurt, not only because his father had just randomly popped up, but because he was going through things with Maico -- their relationship was still in jeopardy, and his soon-to-be boyfriend, Xavier, was acting like a total jerk towards him all day. They weren't in a relationship, yet, but Xavier has hinted about it multiple times. Cairo, deep down inside, was super emotional, so dealing with everything all at once had his mind going a bit of crazy.

" I swear you stress more than anybody I know. Stop thinking about it so much, and just follow your gut for once. If he leaves again, then that's his lost. He'll be losing out on a wonderful son, and an amazing daughter. Just let him and dad, explain what happend and why he left us. " Na'veyah spoke up.

He moved the pillow from his face, once hearing her speak. He was shocked at how intelligent she sounded for once -- he laughed, thinking about it.

" Damn, you actually sound smart for once. " He chuckled.

" Shut up. " She groaned, not being able to hide her small grin. " Now, let's go meet our father, whose downstairs patiently waiting. "

a lil something. didn't proofread. vote and maybe, comment? lol. Daniel above ^^, show some love y'all ♡ how was it though?

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