Family Matters - 11

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Chapters 9 and 10 were accidentally mixed up and put into two different places. Pleaseeee don't be confused and if you are please lemme know.

| Jacob Perez 💙 |

Jacob walked through the hospital doors -- his son's Prince and Ace beside him. It was midnight, and even though he slightly was a bit buzzed, when Princess called him and told him about Chresanto bleeding he immediately made it his business to get up to the hospital -- and quickly. 

" Chresanto August - Perez. " Jacob said, to the receptionist.

He impatiently waited for her to give him Chresanto' room number. His mind was rushing with thoughts and he just hoped that Chresanto and the baby were fine. The receptionist had finally given them the room number, any they all headed towards the elevator. Ace noticed his father slightly stumbling and he just prayed that his father wasn't drunk -- staring at him now though, Ace honestly already knew the answer to that.

In Chresanto' hospital room

" I'm sorry. " The male doctor started. " You've had a miscarriage due to the high level of stress, and your blood pressure was extremely high Mr. August. I'm sorry for your lost once again. "

Chresanto watched as the doctor left the room. He wasn't shocked but he was extremely heartbroken and he couldn't stop the tears that fell from his eyes. Deep down he knew that it was his fault and that he shouldn't of had been stressing knowing he was pregnant -- but another part of him blamed Jacob and the pressure he put on him, of trying to make him choose between him and the unborn baby.

" I'm sorry mom. " Cedez mumbled, as she grabbed Chresanto' hand into hers.

She and Princess were home when they heard Chresanto scream and start to sob. Seeing the blood fall out of him, actually hurt the both of them, seeing their mom crying and in pain was something either of them never expected. Seeing Jacob walk in minutes later, wasn't something they were prepared for either.

" Oh baby, I'm sorry I wasn't there. Are you okay? Is the baby fine? " Jacob asked, question after question as he made his way over to Chresanto' side. Pulling him into his arms.

" Don't touch me. " Chresanto mumbled. " I jus' wanna go home. " He said, pushing away from Jacob' grasp.


" What do you want Jacob? Why do you wanna be here now -- you didn't want the baby and now you got what you wanted. The baby is gone and I want nothing to do with you anymore. " Chresanto cried, as he made his way into his bedroom.

They had just gotten back from the hospital and Jacob being his difficult self decided to follow him back, even though he told him to leave multiple times. Chresanto was dealing with way to many emotions at this moment and he honestly didn't want to be bothered with anyone at this point -- Jacob especially.

" I'm here baby. That was my child to and even though we were going through a few disagreements doesn't mean anything. We're married stop fuckin' pushing me away Chresanto. " Jacob screamed back.

Chres stood on the other side of the bedroom that they once shared -- they once made love in -- they cried and laughed in. Tears fell from both his eyes as he stood at the man he once loved. The man he would do anything for. The man he had 4 children by. The man he has loved for the past 18 years.

" I'm done Jacob. I don't love you anymore, I hate the person you've become. I just had a miscarriage with our child -- and you bring your ass up to the hospital with liquor on your fuckin' breath. That is so disrespectful and honestly the last damn straw. I've done nothing but love your ass, and once you get a little bit of the street life, you lose your damn mind. I've had your back through everything and you just throw it all away. I can't believe you. " Chresanto whispered, as his voice cracked.

Seeing Chresanto so sad and broken. Jacob had finally realized that he had fucked up -- and bad.

" I love you Chresanto. I'm sorry, so fuckin' sorry but we can fix this. I know we can babe. I'll change I promise I will. " Jacob pleaded.

Jacob rushed over to Chresanto and pulled him into his arms. Chres broke down and cried harder than he ever did before. Jacob held him in his arms, something he hasn't done in a while. It pained him to know he's been hurting Chresanto so bad and hasn't even realized it. He needed to make it right, but so much damage has already been done, was it even worth trying for?

" I need space from you. " Chresanto mumbled.

Jacob scoffed.

" Space? What the fuck is space? You telling me you wan' see other people? You don't wan' be together anymore Chresanto? " He asked, bitterly.

" And if I did? If I don't wanna be with you anymore then that is fuckin' fine and it's my choice. You been having fun and doing you -- why can't I do the same? " Chres responded.

" Because I love you and you love me. " Jacob said. " I don't want to argue -- I just wanna make this whole thing right between us. I want my family back how it was before. I didn't put all these years into this, just to throw it all away. I want you, only you -- I'm willing to do anything to make you fall back in love with me baby. " Jacob said.

" You gon have to work a whole lot to make that happen again Jacob -- but we do have children together and a lot of years put into this, so I don't want to give up just yet. " Chresanto said, barely above a whisper.

" I love you. I'm gon make it right I promise you babe. " Jacob assured.

Short I know. Didn't proofread. Chresanto above ^^ how was it though? Good, bad?

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