Family Matters - 10

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Jacob Perez

Downing the shot, Jacob hissed as it went down his throat. He was now a single man, who found himself missing his ex already, but his friends tired of seeing him sulking, decided it was time he get over it and enjoy his new freedom. He wasn't all up for it, but he didn't want to be sad anymore, so he found himself sitting in the strip club, surrounded by naked females, marijuana and Hennessey. He was going to make the best of his situation.

" I don' think this is a good idea bruh. Let's jus' get you home, you already fucked' up, and if Rayan knew I was out wit' yo' ass -- I'm in trouble. " Craig yelled over the music.

Craig was all for it in the beginning, but now his senses were beginning to come back to him. He had Rayan at home, if he wanted to watch someone strip, he could do that at his own home -- but, apparently he was the only one out the bunch thinking straight at this moment. Every single one of their friends, including Jacob, were drunk as hell, excluding Craig.

" How could he jus' - jus' leave me Craig? Af - after all we been through wit' each other. " Jacob stammered, a response.

Craig shook his head in disagreement.

" You choose the streets over him and your family Jacob. If I was Chresanto I'd leave your ass to -- drinking and sulking about it, won't help your situation and sitting in a strip club definitely ain't gon' get you Chres back. " Craig spoke over the music.

Jacob had been tripping every since his daughter Princess, popped up at his apartment. He was caught with some female who he had been partying with the previous night. She was a blonde, who did every possible drug you could find -- Jacob being so intoxicated caused him to do some as well. He never wanted any of his children to see him that way, especially his c daughter. He knew that he had already hurt Chres, he didn't want to hurt them as well -- which was probably already to late.

" You l - leave. I'll stay. " Jacob replied, barely audible.

Shaking his head, his best friend obliged.

Jacob sipped on his drink and watched his surroundings. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion -- he couldn't help but wonder how he had ended up in this situation. He remembered being in a happy marriage, happy children -- and then he for caught into his father's lifestyle, the fast lifestyle, which he sadly enjoyed.

Through all his thinking, drinking, he never even heard his cellphone ringing -- back to back.

From Chresanto.


Waking up in the middle of the night, Chresanto was met with an aching stomach, he couldn't hold any foods or liquids down -- it was something he never felt when he was pregnant with his other children. The feeling was uncomfortable -- so uncomfortable he found himself calling Jacob, he wanted to be comforted by him, but sadly Jacob didn't answer any of his calls nor texts, seemed like he was ignoring the younger boy. That made Chresanto sad deep down, which caused him to be more stressed, which caused his stomach to turn and twist in more agonizing pain.

Not knowing what to do he decided to take a hot bath, hoping that it would help in some sort. Undressing he turned to the side, and looked down at his small belly. He wasn't showing yet, and he didn't know how far he was either -- he'd set up an appointment days ago, and he couldn't help but wonder if Jacob would come along with him. He surely hoped so, because no matter what they were going through at the moment, he'd always love him and want to be with him. Years ago, Jacob was such a changed man, he'd actually loved Chresanto and would be so happy to know they were having another child -- now it's seems like the older boy could care less.

That is, how it seemed only.

Wiping away his stray tear that fell, Chresanto got inside the full tub. Never even realizing the blood coming out of him and into the water,  and when he did.

" No. Please God no. " He cried.

This was short on purpose. A lil filler. Chres above ^^ originally supposed to be part 10 but I got confused and had to give y'all sumn -- so here is something lol. Don't forget to vote and comment

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