Family Matters - 05

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Prince Lorenzo

" What's up pops. " Prince said, as he got into the car with Jacob.

Prince was meeting up with his father, Jacob, they haven't seen eachother in a few days, which was unlikely for either of them -- but, since they've both been busy doing other things, they just didn't have the time. Since the argument with Chresanto, and finding out he was pregnant again, Jacob has been pretty distant. He moved out of the house the other day, which suprised the kids and Chres even though he was the one who broke things off. They've gotten into plently of arguments, and Chres didn't expect for him to just up and leave so quick. That made his cheating suspicions, seem even more truthful.

" What's goin' on wit' you and ma? I talked to her the otha' day, and she was pretty upset. " Prince asked him, after a long silence.

Jacob sighed. " I ain't dealin' wit' Chres shit nomore. He want everything goin' his fuckin' way and when it's not -- I'm automatically a cheater, and all this other dumb shit. He don't wan' be together, then we not. We'll talk only when it's concerning y'all, and the baby in his stomach. "

Prince didn't necessarily agree with his parents not being together, but he knew better to get in their business. Whatever they were dealing with, they were going to have to work through that, on their own. They've been together, 18 years, and now they were just throwing it away.

" We want y'all together -- how everything used to be good. Ya' know? " Prince mumbled.

It instantly made Jacob feel bad, but he'd already made his decision. He was sick of arguing and fighting. It had gotten worse over the years, and he was done trying to make it right. The love, Jacob had for Chresanto would never go away, but they both needed their space right now. The stress isn't healthy for the baby, so avoiding Chresanto right now was best.

" I love him, but he's dealin' wit' things right now. I honestly don't even think he's stable enough to bring another child into this world. But Chres gon' do what he wan' do. " Jacob replied.

Prince was a bit shocked by his father's confession. He basically just admitted, to wanting Chresanto to have an abortion -- with his child. Of course, it hurt Jacob to say that, but he was just being honest. Him being pregnant so young with Princess, and then his life stopping -- it took a toll on him. And then he got pregnant with the triplets, month's later, and deep down Chresanto even hated that. He didn't like the fact of his life stopping, and now children depending on him. He loved his children and he never regretted any of them, he just regrets not waiting a bit longer as he should have.


" Babe what's wrong? Why you look so down? " Gabby asked, Prince as he walked through her apartment door.

Prince and Gabby had met, two years ago. They went to middle school together and then high school. Prince being the popular student he is -- honestly never noticed her, until about the beginning of his freshman year. By then, she'd looked absolutely different. Bigger tits, bigger ass, and she dressed a hundred times better. Her hair was always nice and freshly done, and she'd gotten her teeth fixed with them being so crooked. She had a nice personality, and was a nice and genuine person -- in the beginning. She then became money hungry and mean, making people around her back away from her presence. Prince being in love with Gabby, he wanted to show her - so he started to spend money on her, and take her on shopping sprees. She started taking advantage, and when he couldn't always give it to her, she then started to get it from someone else. It was clear as day, to someone looking on from the outside. But to Prince, he was to blind to see. Too in love.

" Jus' dealin' wit' shit from my parents. Sup' wit' you, I called and you aint' answer nun' my calls. " Prince mumbled.

She shrugged. " I was to busy handeling things. Anyways I need money, I wan' go shopping with Daisy. "

Sighing Prince took a few hundreds out of his pocket. He liked seeing his girl look amazing at all times, but at days, she needed a bit to much for his liking.

" How much you need? " Prince questioned, quietly.

" Like 500. We going out tonight, and I need to dress, to impress. " She smacked her lips.

" 500 dollars?! " Prince asked, louder than he should. " Who the fuck' you tryna' impress tonight, cause' it damn' sure ain't me. "

" Nobody. " Gabby snapped, before gaining composure. " I just need to look good for you baby. Just for you. "
Prince laughed. " Here. I'll meet you there tonight then. "

" What? No. " She said, standing at attention.

Gabby couldn't dare let Prince come out with her tonight. She planned on doing her, and him being there would just ruin her groove. She loved Prince, but she still wanted to do her at the end of the day, and being tied down to someone wasn't something she looked forward to everyday. She wanted to tell him, but then again she didn't want any other chick having him either.

" Stay home tonight, and when I get back in, I'll definitely make it worth your while baby. " Gabby said, in a seductive tone.

Prince smirked, nodding his head.


" You want me to to get an abortion Jacob? Are you serious right now? " Chresanto screamed into the phone.

" Yes. I think it's best. We aren't together anymore, why bring a child into this? And plus, I know deep down yo' ass don't want nomore fucking children. Stop playin' ya' self Chresanto. " Jacob responded.

Chresanto scoffed. " We laid down and made this baby, I'm not just going to abort it. We both knew what we were doing, and what happens when you don't wear protection. Since when the fuck' did you start being okay with me getting an abortion with your child? That's what we doing now Jacob. "

" Like I fuckin' said. You either get an abortion, or this relationship is permanently done. We'll divorce and it'll be fuckin' final -- play wit' me an' see what happens. " Jacob said, in a nonchalant tone.

Chresanto broke once again. Letting out a loud sob, as the tears trickled down his face. He didn't know who this person was anymore -- it sure wasn't the Jacob he fell in love with 18 years ago. No, this person was replaced with someone more meaner, and spiteful. Like he didn't give a damn about any harsh thing, that was coming out of his mouth. Chresanto's feelings didn't matter to him anymore, and he made it clear that he'd only cared about one person and that was himself.

" Jacob do not make me choose between our child and this marriage. I won't do it. " Chresanto's voice cracked.

" Bye Chresanto. Just kno' I mean everything I say. So it's up to you now baby. " Jacob said, before hanging up.

Hearing him hang up, without even letting Chresanto respond, was like a punch to the gut. He didn't want to get an abortion, because this was his child -- something they created together. On the other hand, they did already have four teenage children. Wasn't that enough? Did they need another one? All these questions clouded Chresanto's mind. He didn't want to lose Jacob -- he needed him. They've spent the last 18 years with one another. But -- the way Jacob's been treating him these past years - wasn't enough just enough?

a lil' filler. Maico's POV next chapter. how was it though? Prince? Jacob & Chres? didn't proofread. and sooon you'll be getting a reason, of why Jacob's acting how he is, so wait on it. also, whose ready for Harold to pop back up? I know I am :)))!

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