Interview With Grover Underwood (SATYR)

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How Many Demigods Have You Brought To Camp Half-Blood?

Six. Well, technically six, because one joined the hunters of Artemis but I still brought her to camp. I guess there's another technically there, too, though, because one of the demigods I was escorting turned into a tree...But she's not a tree anymore! And that rarely ever happens!

Out Of These 'Technically Six' Demigods, How Many Are Children Of The Big Three Gods - Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades?

Thalia Grace, that one I was telling you about that turned into a tree, is the daughter of Zeus.
Percy Jackson is the son of Poseidon, and the child of the big prophecy. You know the one: Olympus to preserve or raze.
And Nico and Bianca di Angelo are children of Hades. Bianca...gods bless her soul. She died a hero on her first quest.
So, four out of six.

On A Scale From One To Ten, How Safe Is The Satyr-Tracking-Demigod System? Also, Explain What That Is, Please.

You're great at making me talk a lot. Anyway, I think that it's pretty safe. Like, 9.5 out of 10. Usually every demigod gets here alive, with their satyr in toe. There are some occasions where one or both of them aren't...present. But that hardly ever happens.
The Satyr-Tracking-Demigod system works like a metal detector. Satyrs are placed in schools across the country, and if they smell the scent of a demigod they try and become their best friend. See, it's important to establish a link so that they'll trust you when you tell them who they are.
Once you have to get them to camp, and once they know what they are, their scent will grow stronger - attracting more monsters.
That's what makes the journey back to camp difficult, all the monsters. If their god is more...let's say 'appreciated' up on Mount. Olympus, then their scent is stronger. But like I said before, they usually all make it.

Who Is Mr. D?

Mr. D is what we call Dionysus, the god of wine. He's...amazing. Yeah, he treats us satyrs so nicely because we work for him...I'm totally not just saying this because he may be listening and I don't want to get turned into a grape vine.

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