Answering Questions #1

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The11thDoctor21 said: "I've been on [my device] to which makes my mom really nervous, advice?" (Note, Son of Poseidon)

As a son of Poseidon, you're at high risk of being attacked by monsters with or without the use of your device. That is to say, even if you didn't use it, monsters would be lured to you like a satyr is to the call of the Wild. However, using your device does make your scent stronger to monsters, and it is heavily suggested you don't use one. If you've made it thus far without a disastrous monster attack that you couldn't handle, perhaps Poseidon is doing you favours. Let your mother know that, as a mom myself, I don't condone the use of devices for my daughter and don't reccomend them, but as they don't appear to be amplifying your scent, perhaps you are a special case.

Best of luck,
Claudia Bright.

Man, you're so luck. I wish I could use a device and not have monsters track the signal. My mom won't even let me look at her phone, let alone go on it. You should totally talk to your half-sister about being a child of the sea god. Good luck. Don't die!

See you at camp,
Elsie Bright

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