Tip #11

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A wonderful idea is an Emergency Demigod Kit.

A sack, pouch, box, or even pithos can work you and your child wonders. Keep one in your house, and a smaller one in your car, and another smaller one in your purse or a bag you carry around often. This can be related to an emergency medical kit, though the difference is that it is, in fact, demigod provisions as opposed to mortal ones.

((Pithos = an old-fashioned, Greek ceramic jar))

In this sack, pouch, box, or pithos, you should have all if not a few of the items below. The ones with a '*' after them are the mandatory, while everything else is optional. ('//*' means that it could be vital for your kid but it also might not, and though it is optional, it should be considered briefly before deciding whether or not to include it in your kit.)

•Nectar and Ambrosia*
•Present from Godly Parent
•Lucky Charm
•Totem of Godly Parent
•Granola/Protein Bars*
•Field Journal*
•First Aid Bandages*

A detailed explanation of each product will be the next few chapters with the same title as the item.

Parents, if I missed anything you think should be included in this list, feel free to private message me or comment here, and I'll add it to an updated version. It's important to have all the necessities!

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