Nectar and Ambrosia

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The first item on the list for your Emergency Demigod Kit is, of course, Nectar and Ambrosia.

Nectar and ambrosia are the food and drink of the gods. Though to mortals it is deadly (not kidding parents, please refrain from consumption or you will be painfully incinerated), it can help heal even severe demigod wounds. Of course, consuming a large amount will result in the further incineration of demigods too, so sticking to a small amount is often the better choice.

After a fight with their first monster, it's only expected for your demi-child to be wounded. A little swig from a bottle of nectar, or a small ambrosia square will patch up any wounds. If it's really severe however, like a broken rib or busted arm, it can take several hours to a day to fully heal. Some injuries have even been reported to take a week in the infirmary - however this is usually only the case when there is a combination of severe wounds, like having both a busted arm and broken rib at the same unfortunate time. 

An interesting trait nectar and ambrosia share is that it adapts to the demigod using it. The flavour of the divine cuisine is different for everyone - suited to taste like your favourite food. 

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