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At one point or another, your child might be placed on a quest. Don't worry, because it might never happen. There are lots of kids at Camp Half-Blood. But if it does happen, you should know what a quest is.

The camp oracle, currently Rachel E. Dare, issues a prophecy (most of the time. There are some cases where Chiron orders a quest). The prophecy is taken into consideration. Three demigods are chosen to go*, unless the prophecy states otherwise.

Quests can be dangerous. But they are also necessary to the learning path of a demigod. Their skills are only tested in the real world, after all.

But don't worry. Most demigods don't die on quests. You know, unless the prophecy says they will...

*Three is the lucky number in Greek mythology. The Big Three Gods. The three elder Cyclopes. The three elder hundred-handed ones. If more than three demigods go on a quest, it is said that only three come back, so Chiron usually insists that three go. That way, they attract less of a scent to the monsters but still have enough people to effectively complete the quest.

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