Part 1

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A/N: Hey guys! Before you read, be aware that this story is being edited. Some parts of the story will be changed along with new twists that haven't been added yet. I will be done editing soon and I suggest to wait until then. Thanks!



I woke up on the wet grass, the wind stinging my skin. I stood to feel my body numb, no clue as to where I'm at, or who I am. I glanced at my oddly pale body and stood in awe as to why I was here.

I look around aimlessly only to see the vast forest which consumed me. The sun barely pierced through the trees of green. There seemed to be no traces of life, only a place full of past memories., hidden away from the rest of the world.

Hoping to attract some attention, I yelled "Hello, can anyone hear me?"

There was no response. Just the bitter silence of the tree branches vibrating against the wind.

"Hello?" I yelled again.

Once again, a bitter silence.

'What's going on? Where am I? Better yet, who am I?'

Before I wondered, I had to check the one thing that could give me answers. Myself. The first thing I thought to do was check my pockets. Inside, I found a hair pin. I turned my head to the right and felt something brush roughly against my neck. I quickly glanced down and saw a rusty dog tag clinging to my neck. I managed to make out the
letters "T-R-I-N-I-T-Y" The tag also had a security code number etched into the rusty metal.

'Trinity? I guess that is my name. Now what do I do? I'm all alone, and I'm starving.'

Before I could do much more, I heard a scream ring through the forest. Still hazy, I made my way towards the scream. Minutes later, I enter a small clearing to find a woman cowering over a man shaking on the ground. I slowly crept forward in caution.

"Hello? What's going on here?" I ask the woman and she immediately focused her attention away from the man and looked at me.

"I was walking and I thought I saw an animal. Seconds later, I see this man on the ground and I screamed. I assumed he was attacked, but he seemed fine now."

"Are you sure?" I asked looking at the man on the ground.

"Trust me, Karen, looks aren't always as they seem!"

"Just grow a pair and get up!" She yelled at him.

"Do you two know each other?" I asked.

The man stood up and replied "I'm afraid not. We met a few minutes ago. A few, painful minutes ago."

"Oh shut it, would you?" She yelled angrily.

"My name is Austin, I think. I'm just going off of this dog tag."

"I'm Karen according to the same thing."

The two of them flash their dog tags at me and I immediately drew mine. They were all identical. The numbers were unreadable, unlike mine was. Each said one's first name, but mine said my number. Due to the rust, anything else would be pointless to try and make out.

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