Part 11

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The hunt is finally over. I alone was able to survive Darius Blackwell's deadly game.

I was now outside by a pond which surrounded the large cabin.

'Wow! I never thought I'd feel the sunlight on my face again! Not after what has happened. The only thing left to think about is where do I go from here on out? I need to tell the police, the world needs to know about what's really going on! I'm going to make sure that everyone knows who Darius Blackwell really is!'

I started walking and a few minutes later, I was back in the woods.

'I can't get this out of my head. Everyone who died, all the people who were manipulated... How was I the one who made it out? It should of been Trinity, she could of avenged all of us properly. But she didn't survive, Trinity is dead. I have to honor her, it's up to me to make a change.

Minutes passed, soon hours. I pushed past the last branches and leaves until I was out.

'Thank god, I'm finally out of those damned woods! It's about time! It feels like I've been walking for an eternity! I'm exhausted. But... But I have to push on..'

I wouldn't stop. I couldn't stop. I had to avenge my friends and I. I walked down a road for 15 miles until I made it to a police station.

"Ex-excuse me..." I managed to say.

The officer turned around and his eyes lit up "Ma'am! Are you okay?"

"M-my friends... We were attacked...."

"By what?"

"It was a giant wolf..."

"Ma'am, you seem dehydrated. Please, sit down."

I walked past another officer and she said "Ma'am, you really should-"

"My...." I tried to say, but fell to the floor unconscious.

When people are sleeping, they dream of their friends. You get to see them all die over and over and over until you wake up again.

My body was on a smooth, cold concrete floor.

"What? Where am I?" I looked down to see an orange jumpsuit covering my body.

'I'm in a jumpsuit? Oh no...' I looked over to see steel bars 'I'm also in a jail cell? I don't like where this is going... I need to get out of here! Now how will I do that? Oh wait! Here we go!' I pulled two hair pins out of my messy hair and began tampering with the lock 'C'mon...'


'Yes! I picked the lock! I guess I was a badass before all this!' I walked into the lobby and saw the two police officers that I remembered from when I walked in 'Now what? Maybe if I just ease on by them, they won't notice!'

I started walking and right as I was at the door, a voice yelled "Stop right there, Miss! We still have your clothes. You wouldn't want to be walking around looking like an escaped prisoner, would you?" The police officer smirked.

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