what you do after a hunt

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Dean: it depends on if you went or if you didn't . If you did go , you two will get back and just plop down into bed and sleep . Now if you didn't go with him... Let's just say this , SEX, and lots of it . Sam gets a little annoyed but it is extremely enjoyable for you and dean .

Sam: no matter what , you two always ,ALWAYS, watch a movie on the couch . You two snuggle up to eachoher and watch a movie you've picked out . Both of you end up falling asleep in eachothers arms , you two couldn't be happier .

Cas: Castiel comes back from a hunt with the Winchesters and you have made dinner for him and yourself . Of course you already ate yours and were in bed. cas feels bad for not making it on time so he crawls into bed with you and plants a kiss on your cheek , only to see you smile in your sleep .

Lucifer :After luci comes back from hunting down rogue demons he sits down in his "thrown" ( his thrown is just a big chair from your old house when you weren't living in hell with the devil) and you come and sit on his lap. Luci begins to tell you about his brothers and sisters and how much he misses them. You console him and kiss home on his nose . This is every time

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