Finding Out your Pregnant

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You and /WHOEVER YOU PICK/ have been dating for a little over  a year , which is awhile for a hunter. A few weeks ago you and w/y/p had a little to much to drink.  Recently you have been getting some bad morning sickness and you missed your period soon after that night. You were worried so you went and bought a pregnency test. You did your business and waited for the results , you worriedly walked up to the stick , a plus sign appeared and you panicked. You sank to the floor unsure what to do.

You sank to the floor with a thud and suddenly dean came running to the door thinking you were hurt.
"y/n! Are you all right ?!" dean asked , his voice taken over with concern

You slowly stood , your hands shaking , you slowly opened the door. Your eyes watering.
dean wrapped you in a tight , protective hug " what's wro-" Dean was cut off as he spotted the test, along with the positive symbol. He unwrapped you from an embrace slowly, his fingers still touching your arms.
"are you?" Dean asked , an unknown look in his eye. You slowly nodded," what do we do ?" You asked , eyes red .
Dean smiled,"think of names , of course, go buy a crib,. tell Sam" dean looked you in the eyes,noticing your deep concern.
" everything will be fine"
Your eyes cleared of tears and you smiled " if you say so." For some reason just knowing dean was there made all the difference. Suddenly you realized the unknown loo in his eyes, joy.

You slowly stood off the floor and walked out. Sam was sitting on the couch as you wearily approached him.
"Sam" you called smiling now.
"yeah sweetheart?" he said turning to look at you , his smile warm and comforting.
You walked and sat next to him and casually started talking. The two of you had a short conversation befor you turned the conversation towards kids.
" what would you do if we had a kid sam?", you asked as casual as possible.
"I would be happy of course , beyond happy!" sam said his hazel eyes staring into your E/C eyes.
A huge smile was plastered on your face,"well then you should know I'm hoping for a boy this time, well my first time." , you looked at him.
Sam's mouth dropped open "you're pregnant?"
You nodded . Sam kissed you and you happily kissed back.

Cas seems to always know when your in deep distress. As soon as you fell to the ground crying he appeared before you and crouched down to your level , placing a hand on your face.
"What's wrong angel?" he asked looking at you with those big blue doe eyes. You just raised your hand and pointed to the stick. Cas was a bit confused, he didn't understand why a stick made you so upset.
"It's only a plastic stick , your okay." He said comfortingly.
"Read it..." You said quietly.
Cas did as told , like always , even though he didn't think reading a stick was possible.
"I don't get it , why are there two lines, and why is this wet ?"
You let out a laugh , surprisingly,"Cas , i'm pregnant."
Cas had a large smile,he didn't believe you at first ,"Your kidding ?"
"You shook your head ,"what do we do?"
Cas pulled you into a hug," We start reading parenting books. Hey you think this happened to the pizza man?" He asked seriously and all you could do was laugh.

A demon heard you fall and ran to the door , "Miss L/N , are you alright?", You wiped the tears away. 
"Yeah, I ,uh, just dropped the soap dispenser." You said convincingly. The demon believed you and walked away. You covered your mouth , crying as quiet as possible. Soon you walked and laid down in your bed. Luci came home late that night but came in a nd laid down in bed beside you, he kissed your arm. You turned to look at him.
"I have to tell you something." You said.
"And what's that , my queen."
"I'm pregnant" You said with a weak smile.
"Y-Your w-what?" he said stuttering
Lucifer's face was bright and happy , a smile on his face. Only for your comfort  , That's amazing!" he said , lying through his teeth. Its not that he wasn't happy , just guilty. Holding and birthing a demon, mortal mix would bring you close to death, it would be constant pain. He didn't want to tell you that quite yet , so he lied, and you believed him....

Chuck didn't hear the thud as you landed, he was busy writing the Winchester gospel when he started getting a headache. He went and grabbed some whiskey and ibuprofen from a cabinet. He took the medicine and went to lay down on the couch. Meanwhile you stood off the floor and grabbed the stick, you walked to your bedroom and fell into bed , grasping your stomach protectively.
"Don't worry sweetie.." you whispered , talking to the baby, if it could hear you.
Down stairs Chuck was asleep when all of the sudden he got one of his visions. It was different, extreme pain , but it was an amazing , happy vision and you were in it.  It flashed him through the night you two had a few weeks ago then to how you missed your period, the morning sickness, all the way up to you reading the results. He snapped awake , off the couch in two seconds he darted upstairs and busted into the room.
" is it true?" He asked breathing heavily.
You shot up from your spot and looked at him with a smile ," If we are talking about me being pregnant ... yeah "
Chuck laughed and took you into a large embrace , " oh , I love you Y/n"
You laughed, " I love you to chuck."
Chuck let you go and then realized he needed to tell you something , his face turned pale.
" what's wrong ?" You asked, worried that he was having second thoughts.
"We should talk." He said and put he hands on your hips , "I'm not who you think i am."
"What the hell does that mean?!" You asked pulling away from him, frantic."
Chuck flicked his finger as if he was switching a light switch, he shone as a bright light.
"Your an angel ..." you said speechless. Chuck flicked his finger down ," I'm much more." he took a long pause," I'm God."

(( sorry its been awhile! School is keeping me busy, but school is over in 16 days , counting weekends, Not counting them its 10! Expect a new addition to the imagines this week.))

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