the secret picture he keeps of you

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Dean: he keeps a picture of you dressed up as him , trying to do his blue steel look. Then a picture is connected to it ,where you are snuggled under his neck . you know nothing of the second photo.

Sam: he keeps a picture of you in a messy bun , your ( color hair ) falling out slightly . Your in a pair of short shorts and a loose , white crop top . He thinks it makes you look beautiful with the sun shining down on your face . Only you don't know that he took the picture.

Cas: Ok he keeps this picture of you where you are sleeping alone . He keeps this with him so that he always remembers to get home every night to ly there with you and kiss you good night.Like the others you don't know of this secret picture.

Luci: Come on of course its a sexy picture ! Your wearing fake red horns and you are wearing a red bra and red lace panties. Luci likes being reminded of his bad girl when he's out killing some dumb demon .Unlike the other pictures ,you know about this one , I mean you posed for it .

supernatural preferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora