drunk, matching tattoos

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Dean- you both got matching angel wings across your shoulder blades. Sure neither of you are saints but I guess you two in your drunken state felt as I you fought on heaven's side . Even though they are dicks.

Sam- you two got a rose . They are in different spots but mean the exact same thing . They are meant to represent beauty and the beast. You being the beauty that saved him from the beast , himself. Your rose is over  your heart where as his is on his wrist. The places themselves have meaning , you have a love so strong for Sam and you hold him close to your heart. Sam wears his heart on his sleeve, easily hurt, protective, and falls easily in love.

Cas-  You both have a tattoo of your middle finger and pointer finger crossed. Signifying your loyalty, love, trust, and overall bond . It is on the back of both of your left shoulder blades.

Chuck- You two of course got crosses. Obviously we all know why so there is no need to explain. Although when the guy at the barber shop asked why you two wanted it and the response he got was because chuck is god only made him laugh. You both got it on the back side of your hand.

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