the first time they saw you naked(( hey look its me in the picture ))

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Dean :
He saw you naked for the first time after you and him had gone on a vamp hunt alone . You were covered in vamp blood after killing most of the nest .Dean and you were driving back to your motel in the impla.
"I call shower first ." You screamed to him smiling .
" come on Y/N !" Dean complained
You laughed and looked out the window of the impala .As soon as you got back to the bunker you grabbed your bag and darted for the bathroom . You decided to take extra long just to screw with dean .
Dean comes to the bathroom door pissed "come on Y/N hurry up !" .
You giggled and mumbled "hold on dean !"
Dean heard your mumble but thought you said come in ,how ? I don't know.
Dean's hearing is pretty bad at this point with all the gun shots .Dean walked through the door at the exact moment you were put of the shower.
"What the hell dean I said hold on!" You screamed at him , your face red .

Dean looked you up and down with a smirk "ok I'll go "
You threw your shirt at him as he left the bathroom .

Sam first saw you naked when you two 'got it on' . Sam was always respectful and never did anything to see you unclothed. Unfortuantly there were no accidents before you two 'flicked the bean'. (( don't you love my cool terms😂)) . It started out as a kiss but soon turned to much more . It was passionate ,rough, and full of love. You two slowly unvottoned clothes, and threw them on the floor. When you were naked you became a bit self conscious and quickly backed away covering yourself .
Sam looked confused "what's wrong ?"
You looked at him "n-nothing"
He knew something was wrong and he loosened the clothes from your grip , revealing your beautiful body.
"Sweetie there ain't anything to be ashamed of " he smiled slightly . His hands found their way to your cheeks and well let's just say the fun continued.

Cas: Well you had gotten out of the shower and were laying in bed. You were gonna change into PJs but drifted off before you could. Cas soon showed back up at the motel , his eyes widened as he saw 'all' of you for the first time . He graciously covered you back up and secretly kissed you goodnight .

Lucifer: Now I know your expecting it to be almost forceful , like rape , but actually he was completely against it .It was one of his demons , lucifer ahd demons watching your every move and one of them few a pair of balls and bursted into the shower as you were showering . He ripped you out of the shower and looked at your entire body as you tried to squirm away . He was soon pantsless and had you flung against a wall , he had touched you , prodded you with things , kissed you , and many other terrible things . As soon as he was about to take advantage of you Lucifer burst through the door . The demon's eyes flicked black ad lucifer's turned red as blood "no one touches her , no one gets to treatvher the way you did and get away with it " lucifer lifted his head and snapped his fingers . The demon desintigrated to dust and you fell to the ground . Lucifer ran over to you and tried picking you up , you only pushed him away covering yourself "I'm so sorry my queen " he touched you for head and made you forget the whole thing

You had been thrown out by your boyfriend , just after , well sex . You were walking the back alleys crying . Of course it was raining so you were cold , in danger of hypothermia and naked . Chuck was outside putting trash in a trash can when he was you. He quickly ran to your side and wrapped an arm and one side of his robe around you . You both walked inside and have been with each other ever since .

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