where they took you for your first date

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Dean: believe it or not he can be really romantic.......ok he got help from Sam ,but it was will amazing . He took you to a nice resturaunt , paid for it all and then he took you to the impala and let you pick the music . He then took you to a hill that overlooked new York ( you two were there on a hunt ) . You loved the lights and the warm touch of dean's protective arm wrapped around you . After the date you to went home and slept on the couch after watching your favorite movie, Y/F/M.

Sam: Sam is always so kind and gentle. Sam toon you to a carnival in Kansas. He thought it would be cute to take you on the ferris wheel and then tell you about the history of Lawrence . You absolutely loved it ! , and Sam well he got a bunch of kisses out of it. To say he least it was probably the most romantic and thought out night of you life. After the carnival Sam took you out to a pool, odd I know but ota the closest thing to a beach he could find. You loved it anyway .

Castiel: Cas is not all their when it comes to dating . I have nothing more to say about it then the fact that it started with the pizza man and ended with you two asleep in bed. Hey , you weren't complaining .

Lucifer : As I said luci is so SWEET, but your first date was forced . (I didn't give you guys a "how you met " for him so it's gonna be explained a little) Lucifer had you captured by a few demon minons when you were partnering with the Winchesters. Needless to say he grew a soft spot for you and gave you a nice red dress to wear to your date. he forced you to come otherwise you would be tortured. Of course being the smart person you are you went on the date and oddly enough found that the decline kept good company and was extremely polite , aside from the capture and threats .

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