Looking after each other

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*Niall's POV*
Why did she run away? I was currently holding her while she cry because Randi has to move back...she then looks at me with sad eyes and I take her back home so she can rest..I slowly pick her up when I noticed she fell asleep and walked back fast since its 9:00pm and I don't want anything bad to happen..I opened the front door and past by the living room to see that the boys were still here but Harry was crying so I gently brought her to my room and laid her on my bed before going downstairs and asking the boys what happened..
*Janelle's POV*
All I remembered was running out the door with Niall close after me..I then was crying on his chest while he held me because Randi was moving back and she was my only best friend in school...I then looked up at him sad before falling asleep..I felt myself being laid on a bed but I was too tired to complain...
*Harry's POV*
Why did she just break up with me only 2 hours into our relationship? I just sat there with a blank look before crying...the boys just sat there watching waiting for Niall to comeback with Janelle...I heard the front door being opened but I didn't care because it was Niall and Janelle...Ik Niall was gonna come back down and asked so I prepared myself for all the questions....Niall soon came back and say next to me and asked "Haz? What's wrong?" I just sigh letting the tears fall before saying "Randi just dumped me without telling me why..." Boy did he look sad and angry...he then said "she doesn't deserve you Harry...I mean she might meet someone else when she moves back! I'm not trying to be rude but it could happen and that will leave you more broken-hearted.." He then went upstairs to his room while the rest of the boys left....I just dragged myself upstairs going to my sisters room for comfort...but when I opened her door she wasn't there but I realized Niall put her in his room...I went to his room to find him in the shower and her laying on his bed awake. I then asked her "do you want to sleep with me tonight because of what's happening?" I looked at her with hope in my eyes. She looked at me with happiness and said "yeah I mean I miss sleeping with you Haz...it gets lonely here when you guys are on tour.." I said "well you can sleep in either mines or Niall's room when you miss us.." She said "yeah..ill do that next time and let me write a note for Niall"
*Janelle's POV*
Harry asked me if I wanted to sleep in his room with me so I said yeah because I missed sleeping with him..I then told him I need to write a small note for Niall..so I grabbed a pen and a post it and wrote "went to sleep with Harry cause he needs my company.. Love you <3" and then followed Harry to his room and I saw his lock screen of him and Randi from earlier today...poor Harry..dumped within 2 hours and I feel sad cause she just dumped him without any notice or reason..I decided to text Liam about tour...
J- Janelle
To Liam-when is tour?
From Li-in a week. Btw uncle Simon said you can come along!
To Li- really?! Tell him thank you! Love you night
From Li- night and love you too

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