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Five hours of exercising and practice was tough on Mr. Balthazar's pupils. This was only the first week, and they still had a long way to go before the award show. It was a thing to stress about for some--but not all of them. Mostly the girls, who were constantly debating about what dress to wear instead of worrying about their moves. But some were actually just in a distraughtful mood, frightened about the thought that they might fail during the show, and disappoint their teacher and group.

This was an opportunity to make the Steppin' Out (name of the school) dancing school more of a sucess for the upcoming year, since there were a lot more rooms free but they were never used. It was a big building, though. It deserved a lot more attention, but had only been open for a few years. Such a strange feeling, when you look at it from the outside, you'd just think hey, that's a big structure, must be popular for a reason but to be honest, there were only 5 classes being used and the building is 3 floors high with 30 rooms.

Anna and Castiel had been focused on the event a lot and had been inquiring Mr. Balthazar every minute about information. It was obvious that their teacher started to feel severly irritated and even excused himself for a 'phone call' , walking out the dancing room with a sigh of pure relief when they lost him. He eventually went to take a break outside to elleviate, refreshing his thoughts.

Gabriel had been doing good, from what Sam had seen when they were forced to do the persistent excercises. They were a very good distance away from each other, but from time to time, taking a peak at how his friend was doing didn't hurt. Though, that didn't mean Gabriel was back to his old self, because he wasn't. His facial expressions still held sorrow, and Sam knew at this point that he was vexed because of something, someone. The reason why still remained a mystery.

When Mr. Balthazar clapped his hands to determine the end of their classes, the room was filled with sigh's of relief. Sam got caught by Lucifer's grip, causing him to stop in his tracks, looking back to see why he was being held back.

"Are you staying?"

"I--that's...I don't know." Sam stuttered, looking down at his watch. Dean would be waiting with his car in front of the building soon. The punctual person he was, made him always come precisely on time.

"The benefits of staying to practice for this project..."

Sam knew that Lucifer was attempting to pin him right where he wanted him, just so they could stay alone. It slightly excited him, Luke's fingers tightening around his wrists to keep him around just a little more. It was impossible to leave his lover behind with a pleading face that just gave him the urge to kiss him...but they couldn't, not in front of anyone--just yet. And Sam wasn't sure about staying either.

"I can't promise anything."

Lucifer watched as Sam carefully pulled away from his grip with an apologetic smile and walked to the other side of the room towards his friends. Anna and Castiel had already noticed him, one of them wiggling their eyebrows and the other arms folded over body with a raised eyebrow. They knew what was going on...

"Hellooooo to love!"

"Seems like someone has gottin' a little crush on another someone, huh?"

Sam glared at them, receiving a laugh from both his friends in return. He couldn't keep his serious face, and instead laughed along just a little. It wasn't that bad after all, because they already had figured it out since the very beginning and Sam had been denying that whole time.

"How good of a kisser is my cousin?"


"I'm curious, Sammy!"

The Mambo Craze. | Samifer AU.Where stories live. Discover now