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“Swing, swing, swing. Everybody start to swing.” Sam danced around the kitchen, his feet doing triple steps. “Light it on, now you're singing with a swing.” He reached out for the milk while dancing—sorry, swinging.

“Looks like somebody is in love.”

Sam almost jumped and turned around to see his mother walk in with a smile, she approached him and cradling his face into her hands before placing a kiss onto his forehead. “Tell me Sammy,” She whispered, “Did you make new friends?” She walked over to the fridge and Sam leaned against the breakfast table with a sigh.

“Yeah.” He replied, looking up at the ceiling.

“So why were you singing a Swing song again?” She asked, turning around with a smile playing onto her lips. It reminded Sam a little bit of Anna. Always the curious one, always the funny one, always the naughty one, the dirty minded one, the smiling one, the excited one. He decided into his head that maybe he should ask Anna out to come and meet his family. It would be funny if she and his mum would talk together about the most random things into the world.

“You know, just swinging and singing.” Sam shrugged and scratched the back of his neck with a lazy smile. “I go to a dance school after all.”

“Last time I checked, Dean told me it was how to learn to dance The mambo, not a swing school.” She cocked her eyebrow up as she sipped onto her fresh made cup of tea. Sam opened his mouth, but to be honest, he couldn't lie. He was a very, very terrible liar. Anna can detect whenever he lies, just like Castiel does, and Lucifer...and Dean sometimes too. “Come on, you can tell me.” She sended him a reassuring smile. But he wasn't so sure of telling her...not yet at least.

“I- It was nothing mum, just that Anna learned me The Swing.” He sighed and brushed his brownish hair to the side, “That's all.”

“Oh I believe you, sweetheart.” She walked up to him and cupped his cheek with her left hand and smiled at him. “If you ever get a problem with anything, I'm right here for you. You know how mum's are, right?” She asked and Sam laughed before rolling his eyes.

“Yeah mum, thanks...” He whispered as she kissed his forehead again, and walked out of the kitchen with a smile. Sam sighed out relief and tilted his head back. Today was the last day of the week, which meant tomorrow it was week-end. He couldn't wait to lay into his bed and cuddle up with the white fluffy pillows. But today he still had that dance he promised Lucifer.


“Hey,” Sam felt a hand onto his shoulder as he grabbed the door handle, and he turned his head around to look at Dean with a sad smile. His green eyes looked up at him with a little sorrow showing, and Sam was confused. “Don't make me wait next time.” He suddenly winked and laughed like an idiot.

“Oh my god.” He rolled his eyes at Dean's fake acting and went out of the Impala, shutting the door closed. Dean drove away quickly, and Sam was staring up at the big building in front of him. The fifth floor, room twenty-four. He could feel his heart stammer against his chest, and he breathed in before walking through the doors. The first thing he heard was his name being called.


And it was Gabriel. Ofcourse, Sam couldn't just ignore and walk to the elevators with this cutie pie showing him his most ridiculously lovely golden brown puppy eyes. It was unbelievable how he could fall for those, but not as much as he fell for Lucifer's blue eyes.

“Hey Gabe.” Sam furrowed his eyebrows and sended him a smile. “You doing good?” He asked as he turned to walk back to the elevators, and Gabriel seemed to follow him behind like a lost puppy.

“Eh—I'm okay!” He replied like a little boy, and Sam could notice from the corner of his eye that he was licking a lollipop again. What is it with Gabriel and candy? Must be an obsession, because the amount of candy the boy had a day, it would surprise you. Neverthless, it still matched with Gabriel. The silence was complete into the hallways, only the footsteps Sam and his partner next to him were sharing. They entered the elevators and Gabriel pushed the button five up, as the doors closed.

“So...” He suddenly started, looking up at the ceiling awkwardly. “Remember that once I asked about you and Lucifer?” He turned to the boy with the lollipop. Gabriel suddenly paused, his eyes looking straight at the elevator doors. “I—I mean, I'm not trying to force you. You can tell me, unless—”

“If I told you,” Gabriel stated in monotone, not moving, “Then Luke is going to know about this, and shit is gonna come up.” He whispered. Sam stared at him, confused. Gabriel turned his head to watch his expression, and then rolled his eyes. “I just can't tell you.”

“But why?” He furrowed his eyebrows.

“Because!” He shouted a little too loudly, and Sam jumped backwards. Those golden brown eyes were burning into his soul like he was going to kill him, or swallow the life out of him. Sam noticed how dark they were going by the seconds passing, and the silence was falling again, both of them getting that at the same time.

“Oh my, Sam I'm—”

“You're sorry, I get it.” Sam replied, sighing as he turned away from him. Gabriel furrowed his eyebrows, and he was ready to say something again, but then...his mouth was opening and nothing came out. The doors of the elevator opened again, and Sam got out quickly. He felt terrible for asking his friend such a question like that.

Remember that once I asked about you and Lucifer?

Yeah, so...

And you just smiled but deep inside you were hurt because of what I asked, and I thought I said something wrong?

Could be.

“I'm sorry for being late.” Was the first thing Sam said as he entered the room nervously, and everyone stared at him. Mr. Balthazar went over him as he put his bag down, and ruffled his hair lazily and yawned. “I think...my brother drove a little too slow.” He muttered and looked up at his teacher, his eyelids almost falling close.

“It's okay Mr. Winchester.” He smiled and patted his shoulder, “You look tired.”

“Oh, I-I'm fine...” Sam sighed and rubbed his eyes, and Gabriel entered the room with his lollipop. He glanced around the room and caught his friend standing in front of the teacher, ready to fall asleep. He quickly ran over to Sam, Anna and Castiel also pushed through the crowd of teenagers to go help him. “Just a little...tired...” He almost fell down, but all three got him before he could even.

“Sam!” Anna screamed and patted his cheeks lightly, and he groaned. “Get up, no sleeping!”

“I'm tired, go away.” He mumbled and let himself relax into Castiel and Gabriel's arms.

“Hmpf-tell the tall guy to stand up or something because I think I can't hold it any longer.” Castiel groaned, and Anna decided they should put him onto the bench. The teacher was confused at first, but accepted after to let them take care of their friend.

“God, I am so...” Sam yawned and looked up at the ceiling, his head resting on Anna's lap and his feet onto Gabriel's lap. “...tired.”

“Yeah bro.” The boy with the golden brown eyes laughed, and shook his head. “Have you seen yourself, you seriously look like crap—not that you're not handsome.” Castiel and Anna stared at him with a death stare, and he gave them a look. “What?”

“Sam,” Anna whispered, “I still have those energy candies. Do you want some?”

“Yeah, that'd be...awesome. Thanks Anna.” He smiled as she grabbed her bag from beside her onto the bench, and got out a little pack of candy. They stayed talking together, the rest of the people into the room dancing and learning with Mr. Balthazar. Sam noticed too, Lucifer looked nice today. He was wearing a tight blue jeans, and a light vest with a brown moka scraf around his neck. It looked cute, and Sam couldn't get his eyes off of him. It wouldn't surprise you if Anna and Castiel were laughing at this again, right?

“Hey, Sam?” Castiel spoke up, and they all looked at him. “Would you still have the energy to go to get us a drink after the dance lessons?” He questioned, and Gabriel and Anna smiled before looking down at Sam.

“Where to?”

“I don't know, let's go clubbing?”

“Ugh, I don't know-”

“Oh but come on, Sammeh!” Anna whined like a little kid. “It'll be fuuuun!” She pouted, her puppy eyes appearing. Sam sighed and rolled his head to the left side onto her lap where he could see Mr. Balthazar clapping his hands together and yelling 'one, two, three, and one, two, three' , before sitting up and licking his lips. “I mean, we could get to know each other better after all!”

“Yeah, it'll be awesome.” Castiel smirked, and Gabriel bit his lip. “Just say yes.”

“Oh god, I—” He paused as he watched their innocent little puppy faces, and he gave up with a groan. “Fine!” He sighed again, and all three of the giggled like little school girls that just found out their crush liked them. Sam wanted to punch his head into the wall, because today he was supposed to help Dean with cleaning and reparing the Impala, while he really promised it to him.

“Should we ask Luke to join?”

Sam jolted out of his thoughts and stared back at his friends, trying to figure what was best. “Wait—what, no!” He screamed, interrupting their conversation while almost jumping from his seat. “I mean, no. Please, don't.” He sighed and sat back down, trying to calm down.

“Wow slow down Sammy,” Gabriel furrowed his eyebrows, “It's only Luke.”

“Y-yeah, I—I know...” He muttered and scratched the back of his neck, “I just...don't want to invite Lucifer, I'd rather want to do this with you guys.” He pulled up a weak smile up, and Anna rolled her eyes at him. “Jeez Sam, you sound like one of those girls that thinks she doesn't need a boyfriend just like in those cliché romantic movies.” Castiel mumbled.

“Don't even dare to judge me.” Sam narrowed his eyebrows at him.

“Well, well.” Anna yelled like a mother, “No fighting you two! Now, we won't even call Lucifer in to join this alright? He's a dick anyways...” She shrugged and smiled at her friends.

“Amazing job guys!” Mr. Balthazar screamed in a high pitched voice, and they all turned to him as he did a little victory dance. “I all have some news for you by the way!” He called with a smile almost up to his ears. Everyone approached him, as he started to talk. “So I've received an e-mail from a professional, and he's coming over to watch some of us doing the Lambada.”

“But sir, we can't do that dance.” Gabriel called out, “We haven't learned that dance yet.”

“I know—well, some of you can.” The teacher smirked, and turned around. Sam noticed he was looking straight at Lucifer, “There are choosen ones.”

“How many?”

“Three couples will dance.” Mr. Balthazar cocked his eyebrows up. “And I'll choose who will be the chosen ones, the lucky ones. Alright?” He asked and everyone nodded lazily. “First off all, I know Mr. Morningstar will be the first one to come into these kinds of situations. So you are chosen as first to open the dance with somebody.”

“The Lambada sir?” Lucifer furrowed his eyebrows, and suddenly a bright smile played onto his lips. “I sure would enjoy to be the first one, thankyou.”

“Very well.” Mr. Balthazar gave him a little nod and smiled, and then searched through the crowd with his green curious eyes. Castiel and Anna looked at each other, slightly praying to god to not  get chosen into this stuff. Gabriel was...well he was fine. Sam's fingers fiddled nervously with each other, and he licked his lips twice, praying mentally over and over again.

But...bad luck happens sometimes.

“Anna and Castiel.” Mr. Balthazar called, and both of them stood up with eyes wide also known as a nervous look they were wearing onto their faces. Sam could've bursted out laughing, but he kept quiet because there was still another couple who had to be chosen, and a dance partner for Lucifer. Him and Gabriel, were the only one left.

“Y-yes...uhm.” Anna grabbed Castiel's arm and walked up to their teacher, who smiled excitedly like a little kid. “A-are we...”

“Yes, you'll be partners together, and you'll be the second to enter the room after Lucifer and his partner.” He clapped his hands, and the way his eyes just shone, Sam couldn't resist it but he knew that look. He felt a moment where he was going to be the only one left.

“Gabriel and Meg.”

Fuck! He knew it, all the time. This feeling, was too familiar. And now he really was alone, onto the bench, looking all innocent. Gabriel turned around and looked at him, and Sam could see the look of 'I-want-to-stay-with-you' and he swallowed.

“And Lucifer, you'll be with Sam because nobody ever takes him as a partner.”

This is even worse. No, no, no!

Sam looked up, and his eyes instantly met the blue-ish colour eyes, just like the sky. His stomach instantly dropped, and he didn't know what to do. He just sat there, and everyone was looking at him, waiting to stand up. Anna and Castiel eventually were moving their hands and everything, trying to explain what he had to do. Because he looked like a frozen ice lolly.

“Uuh, I—” He laughed nervously and stood up awkwardly, a smile showing. Lucifer smirked, knowing exactly how cute this boy could be when he was this nervous. This was going to take some serious Lambada lessons... “I'm here.” Sam breathed as he walked over to the teacher, and Luke who was just standing right beside him.

“Good, Sam.” Mr. Balthazar smiled, and then looked up at the crowd. Lucifer and Sam looked at each other, and they both couldn't stare away. It was like their heads were stuck, and they couldn't rotate it, not move it somewhere else. “Sam.” Lucifer smirked, and approached. Sam was taller than him, but the more this guy approached him, the more he felt smaller. And his hands started to shake a little, but he tried to keep calm.

“Hi.” He whispered, his hazel eyes looking at his ocean blue ones.

“You doing okay kid?” He questioned as he stared down at his hands, still shaking. “Well you look tense.”

“U-uhm, I'm fine.” Sam replied, his eyes wide. Luke chuckled and grabbed his shoulder to calm him down, but knowing deep inside it wouldn't help at all. Sam had honestly, never had his heart racing like this. Not like he just ran the marathon. He never had this, not with any boy he ever got to know, to meet. This was so strange, so weird, so...different.

There was something about Lucifer, that made Sam want to smile. Those blue eyes got the colour of everything that is blue, but brighter than the ocean. Just kidding, there is nothing as blue as Lucifer's eyes, well at least that is what Sam was thinking...

“Good then.” Lucifer's eyes raised and a small smile plastered across his face, “I'll teach you the first steps of the Lambada after the lessons, you know, in rehearsals.”

“Well...just about that.” Sam mumbled and finally looked down from his handsome smile, “I can't...”

“You changed your mind?” He furrowed his eyebrows out disappointement.

“No, no!” He tried not to scream, but whisper-yelled instead. “I promised—” He paused and looked at his eyes again, before turning around and watching Gabriel and Meg talk, and Anna and Castiel trying to dance the Lambada but failing miserably. It was funny, and somehow he had the feeling to not tell Lucifer. “I promised...that I was going to help my brother with cleaning his car.” He shrugged and blinked up at Luke innocently.

“Oh.” He smirked, and Sam swallowed. Something then occurred to him immediately, he had to call his brother. Because there was no way in hell he was going to lie again, telling the most terrible excuses that a human can think of. If he wanted to go out with his friends, then he had to tell Dean he couldn't help with cleaning his car today. “Ah, excuse me.” Sam whispered, his hands scampering over his pockets, searching for his phone.

“Sure.” Lucifer licked his lips and ruffled his soft and flawless blonde hair before turning his heels and walking over to the corner of the room, and leaning his back against the wall patiently. Sam mumbled under his breath, as he unlocked his phone and stared down at his contacts. He knew deep inside Dean was going to be furious, because he didn't liked it when Sammy canceled something they promised they were going to do.

“Hello?” A rough and groggy voice called on the line, “Sam?”

“Dean...” Sam sighed, his fingers going through his hair nervously. His teeth dug into his lower lip, and his eyes were slightly hurting from not blinking this once. “I have to tell you something...”

“You've got a girlfriend?” He laughed, “It's okay Sammy, I won't tell mum and dad just yet. You'll tell them yourselves if you feel more comfortable with that.”

“No, Dean I—”

“Oh yeah, I've gotta ask.” He interrupted Sam like he had more important things to tell his little brother. “So about what you promised me, cleaning the car...” He pulled his hand onto his chest, experimenting how quick his heart was going to thump this time. “I just wanted to know if you were going to repare or clean. I checked in the morning and forgot to tell ya that there was a problem with the engine and—”

“Dean, I can't.” Sam closed his eyes quickly when he heard nothing but quietness on the other line of the phone. “My friends asked to go to the club tonight and I—I'm so sorry, I was going to refuse but I wasn't thinking and I accepted and I—”

“Sammy.” He heard Dean's soft chuckling voice, and he opened his eyes, feeling his heart slow down on it's normal pace again. “It's alright man, I mean I get it. You've got yourself some friends and you want to go to a club, fine.”

“R-really?” Sam almost murmured, “So you're not mad at me or anything?”

“Why would I be mad at you? I mean, yeah you're leaving me to do all this dirty work alone, and you promised me to help.” Dean muttered and Sam sighed, pursing his lips together. “But come on, you're my favourite little brother. And if you're happy, that's all what matters to me, alright?” He heard his elder's brother's voice crack at the end, and it made his stomach slightly drop. He always let Dean down, while his older brother is always there for him. He felt bad for it.

Because Dean...he always drives him everywhere he wants to go. And he even stops when there is an ice cream shop nearby. It doesn't matter if Sam is too busy reading his book into the Impala, because his brother buys it anyway. He also protects Sam like it's the most precious thing remaining into the world, like he doesn't want it to get lost in this planet full of danger and fierce monsters. Though, Dean's little brother is just the opposite, he'll cry if his big brother dies and he'll be weak without the only beloved thing that protected him once.

Sam isn't helping because he doesn't want to, nor does he want to upset his brother for not being there. It's just always been there, always been like this. He loves Dean, and if there was anything but his weak spot, then it's him. It's always been him.

“Dean,” Sam grabbed his phone tightly into his hand, pressed lightly against his ear as he smiled. “Thank you, for everything.” He whispered the last sentence out he had to say. And knowing that his brother wasn't going to respond, but just stand there and smile at how dorky and adorable Sammy was going to be, he pulled the phone off of his ear and canceled the call with a small smirk placed onto his lips.

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