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When Sam arrived home, with Lucifer pulling next to house to drop him off, he immediately put his keys onto the table and went upstairs. He heard music blasting through the hall, and once he approached Dean's door, he knocked. "Dean, it's me!"

No reply. Well, obviously he wasn't going to open the door since the music was literally at hundred procent volume maximum. He sighed and grabbed the door knob before twisting it and pushing it open, revealing Dean's dark room with posters of Led Zeppelins, The Beatles and ofcourse, the naked women. Sam shook his head and folded his arms firmly over his chest before looking at his brother who was onto his laptop, chatting with someone.

"Dean!" He shouted, approaching him before leaning over his older brother's shoulder and clasping his laptop closed. Dean made a face, before turning to Sam.

"What the hell, where was that for again?"

"For not replying to me." Sam retorted stubornly before sitting down onto his brother's bed. "Now, let's talk about the night before..."

"You mean about what happened to me?" Dean questioned and started to laugh as Sam nodded, "No man. You should've came earlier! I was waiting for you, but you came home and just went upstairs, fell into your bed sleeping nice and cozy."

"I was tired, Dean."

"Yeah well you know what?" He send Sam a look, "I don't care that I don't care." He turned around and grabbed his cup of coffee that was still onto the table, before taking a sip of it and opening his laptop again. Sam was fuming, making one of his famous bitch faces again before he stood up and walked over to his brother.

He grabbed the computer from the table, and clasped it closed yet again. Dean just narrowed his eyebrows towards him, "First of all, this is not your computer but mine. And you were watching porn on it again!"

"It's a guilty pleasure."

"Yeah well, buy your own laptop. After all, I bought this one and you're the older bro here. This has been five times already how you just sneak into my room and start to watch porn sites without even closing the tabs after you're done." Sam bickered.

"Fine, don't go all mango tango on me..." Dean grunted and sighed before turning to his little brother, his eyes still holding an emotion that Sam could figure out in less than five seconds. He sighed, patting the spot next to him onto the bed, waiting for Dean to join him.

"Please?" He demanded, his puppy eyes appearing.

"Fine." Dean grunted before standing up, the black chair being put back at his place before he walked over to his bed, and settling his butt onto the spot where Sam wanted him. He sighed, the calmness into the air making him uncomfortable, as both of them were looking straight at the wall.

"Dean, please tell me." Sam turned his head towards his older brother, pain flashing through his eyes once he saw how Dean huffed and bowed his head. "I haven't talked to you, and I wanna make it up right now. You're always there when I need you, and I? Well, I'm never there when you ask me to come and that's just fucking bullshit." He shouted the last part, high enough for Dean to look up directly into his hazel eyes with concern.

"How - why do you think that, Sammy?" Dean asked, a small scoff of amusement escaping his lips before Sam could even reply. He shook his head, "You're my little brother, and being that is enough for me already."

"And that's exactly your problem!" Sam screamed, narrowed his eyebrows as he fully turned himself towards his older brother, his hands starting to shake as he took a deep breath. Dean just looked at him like he had gone crazy, and somehow, a part of him said Sam was right. But he didn't want to feel like this, because Sam is his little brother and that's all he needs. "I can never do something right for you, but you don't even care. You always need me, but I can never be there for you and you just try to avoid the pain that you feel, Dean! You'd never let anything, anyone touch me without you being by my side."

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