N O V A K & M I L T O N

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A/N Haven't updated in forever, thought you might like a new little chapter eh? ;) . Enjoy!
(I'll be back with new chappies soon, don't worry!)

"Hey, eh...Dean?" Sam mumbled, still unsure about this. His brother was standing into the kitchen, humming an unrecognizable song as half of his body was into the fridge - looking for food apparently. "I - I wanted to talk to you about...something. Also, it's kinda...urgent." He implied. Dean stopped humming, released the apple he had in his left hand and put it on the kitchen counter. He turned to look at Sam, a puzzled look onto his features.

"Tell me, if you're here to ask me if your little dork friend called Castiel pleases me in my free time, I can fairly tell you that I don't swing that way. I'm straight, and completely aware of my emotions and feelings, so if you -"

Sam clasped a hand in front of Dean's mouth, a few muffled words still being heard before it was completely silent. He sighed, and closed his eyes, thinking and already regretting his decision. It was a nice idea to bring Dean at a sleep-over. Hell, it really was. Simply because it would both get their minds off of things, about their pasts and the lack of intimate brother hospitality. But knowing how Dean reacts to certain things, especially to parties or a public place, Sam feels as if it's not gonna be easy to keep him quiet during the sleep-over.

Anna probably won't mind...ofcourse. He's certain of himself that she'll even join in the laughter when Dean tells his lame jokes around. And Sam is used to it, but it's still as annoying as it always would be...

"No." Sam simply said, removing his hand from Dean's mouth. He saw the bewildered look on his face, his eyebrows knitted, lips now pursed. "You know I'm not that kind of person to ask such things, Dean. Bothering you wasn't my plan at all."

"Then...what's wrong?" He asked Sam, arms crossed over his chest.

Sam just...inhaled, eyes focused on the floor now. He can barely look at his brother, can just imagine the sudden joy, the jump in the air and the kiss against his forehead, how Dean will just whistle his way out of the kitchen with a smile etched over his lips. And don't get him wrong, he absolutely loves to see his brother happy, he really does. It's just...he knows that Dean can change from a silent kid to a person that has no manners along with inappropriate behavior without the intention to. And he doesn't wanna disappoint the Novak and Milton family with that.

"I - well, was invited to a sleep-over at my friend's family reunited sleep-over, and..." He pauses and looks up to Dean who's still listening carefully, nodding and waiting for him to develop his sentence. Sam gulped, clearing his throat. "Castiel...invited you too."

Suddenly, as Sam expected to happen, Dean's eyes widened. It wasn't surprisement, clearly. He was just really excited. A sign of appreciation. "Are you kiddin' me?" He demanded, and before Sam could answer to that, Dean interrupted him again. "Don't answer me, don't. Even better, don't say a freaking word!"

Dean grabbed his apple and bit his lip as he looked down at it, before taking a bite. Sam can't help but smile a bit, eyebrows furrowed. As his older brother asked him to, he actually doesn't say a simple word. He just watched him walk out of the kitchen, happily.


"Aye, Sambo!" Gabriel screams through the phone and Sam winced, retiring his ears for a few seconds. "We're all very excited that you and your brother Dean-O are coming over!"

"Nice, Gabe - but please, for the love of god, please quit yelling like that." Sam groaned as he heard his friends behind the phone, giggling. Such idiocy. "I told my brother that he was invited, and we'll be there in awhile. We still need to pack things up and-"

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