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"Goodmorning to you too, grumpy." Dean called and laughed as Sam walked into the kitchen, his eyes were ready to fall close again, but he kept them open eventually. "Come on, you have lessons in almost an hour. You should be getting breakfast, and then put some clothes on." He patted onto his little brother's shoulder and walked out.

"Yeah...dancing lessons." Sam muttered under his breath and yawned while grabbing the box of cereals. He walked over to the breakfast table and sat down, pouring down some milk lazily, and then some cereals. While he did that, his eyelids started to slowly fall down, and he snorted and looked up. "Stay awake, stay awake." He reminded himself and grabbed the spoon next to his bowl.

God, from where did he get so tired? Oh yeah, maybe from yesterday from—oh god. The dance with Lucifer he had yesterday night. Shit, he remembers now. Sam swallowed as he stared down at the bowl with milk and cereals, and he thought. He thought about the way Lucifer asked him if he wanted to dance, the song he had put on, the way that excited grin came out of nowhere, and how the room just seemed to be taken by both of them.

No. Wait, did he really—

Sam almost jolted up into his seat as the spoon fell off the table, and he stared down at the ground. He then sighed and put his head into his hands. What the hell is he doing? He should be getting himself ready by now, and he was still day dreaming about—well, Lucifer?


"Sam!" Someone screamed, scaring the shit out of Sam. "It's me, it's Anna!" She clapped her hands and jumped up and down excitedly. Sam just smiled and patted her shoulder as the walked into the elvator, and he pushed the button up to five. "I know Anna, I still remember you." He chuckled as she smiled like an idiot towards him.

"You still daydreaming about him lately?" She suddenly asked, making Sam frown and turn to her. He cocked an eyebrow and she rolled her eyes, flicking her hair. "Oh come on Sam, you like him."

The elevator doors opened, and she got out first. Sam just stood there, blinking and shaking his head confusedly. He ran out quickly before the elevator doors were gonna close, following Anna from behind like a lost puppy. "I - Anna, I don't get what you mean?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing and she chuckled. "I mean, me liking someone?"

"Oh you silly." She continued on giggling as they walked just in front of the door, "You know, Morningstar?" She winked. Sam was still confused, and she just wanted to facepalm because of how stupid he looked right now. "Lucifer, sweetheart."

"Ah, oka- what?" He paused, opening the door as they walked in. Sam then noticed that there was nobody. The dancing room was completely empty, only him and Anna who was putting both of their bags down onto the bench. "Uhm, are we - Like...too early or what...?" He asked, raising his eyebrow up questioningly.

She nodded at him and smiled as she put her hands onto her hips and looked around the room. "I don't always come this early, but Mr. Balthazar is always the last one to arrive." She shrugged and laced her shoes. "But there is a slight chance that Lucifer might be the last one instead, like usual."

Sam sighed and stretched his body, his muscles cracking into his back. He really needed some music, so he hummed and tapped his foot at the ground.

"Castiel!" Anna shouted and Sam jumped again. She ran over to a guy with mid-short black hair, and a trench coat that just fit him perfectly. She crushed him into an hug, and the boy's eyes went wide. Sam just scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, "Anna, I'm...trying to breathe here." He laughed and tried to pull her off of him.

"Sam, look this is Castiel!" She waved an arm around the room like an idiot and Sam laughed before walking over. He stuck a hand out to the boy, and smiled. "Hi. I'm Sam Winchester."

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