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A/N: I'm sorry if this chapter is shitty and not well written, it's kinda rushed. I'll try my best to edit it, though. There is a lot of dialogues in this one, so enjoy...I guess?

The ride towards the restaurant seemed to last on for an eternity, even though it was only a few miles further down the road. But it didn't really matter, because Sam was enjoying the view of his boyfriend bobbing his head to the song that was playing on the radio station which so casually happened to be AC/DC. It was hilarious, and Sam couldn't keep his laughter in when Lucifer decided he was gonna sing along as he turned the volume all the way up. From close by, it was a party—but from a distance, it looked more like two crazy lunatics dancing and singing like a couple of drunks in the passenger seats.

Lucifer's voice was audible over the loud music, and it sounded more like he was screaming the lyrics. The traffic lights dimmed and changed to green, to which he hit the pedal too exceedingly abrupt and both of them slightly moved forwards before leaning back into the seat. Sam was glad that he didn't go past the speed limit, because the last thing he wanted to happen is being pulled over by a couple of cops, plus he really wasn't in the mood to come home with a penalty as surpise, only to get yelled at from Dean for something so stupid. Lucifer seemed like the type of guy who would drive over a road like it's his privilege of freedom, with the upper roof door of his car open along with his windows which would get himself in a lot of trouble. But he wasn't, not when Sam was around because he didn't wanna get him into a situation involving accidents or house arrest if they got caught by the police.

"Enjoying the trip so far?" Lucifer asked as he turned down the volume of the radio with one hand as the other took care of controlling the steering wheel.

Sam shrugged and began sulking into his seat, "Not top class ride, but I think I'll manage."

There was a sudden change of expression to Lucifer's face, like he was concerned. He slowed the car down a bit and his fingers reached for the volume knob, "If you want I can just put down the radio and shut my mouth, maybe also slow the car a bit—"

"No, no...it's fine, Lucifer." Sam chuckled, eyes full of joy which left a smile on Lucifer's mouth. He loved seeing his beloved one happy. "Jeez, it was just a little joke."

"Well who am I to be an asshole if my boyfriend doesn't like my constant singing?" Lucifer laughed as his eyes were keeping track of the road ahead of them. Sam's smile soon ceased to exist, his lips parted and his head lightly tilted to the side as he stared at Lucifer.


Did Lucifer just call him that...? Sam didn't know if he had to crack a smile like a fool again or bang the side of his head against the dashboard because of how embarrassingly long he was staring at Luke like he just turned into some sort of majestic sea creature.

A few minutes later, Lucifer pulled up into a parking lot and stopped the engine. Sam was curiously peaking out of the window, and almost choked on air when he saw how big the restaurant was. What's worse is that it was a three star restaurant...

"I told you to keep it simple."

"Doesn't mean their food will be over-exaggerated expensive and top notch, darling." Lucifer said, looking through the front window with an amused smirk. "However, I do want you to feel a little spoiled with me. This is a three star restaurant, and I'm taking you out tonight—so you're gonna enjoy yourself, because to me that's all that counts."

Sam almost died a little inside at those sweet words, and Lucifer just got out of the car and told him to stay which confused him a little at first. But turned out he was willing to open Sam's side of the car by himself, like a gentleman. Sam just rolled his eyes and chuckled a little bit when he grasped ahold of his boyfriend's hand to help him out. When they stood side by side, Luke offered his arm which Sam raised his eyebrow at.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2016 ⏰

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